Tortoises Available for Rehoming

Before e-mailing us to ask to rehome a tortoise, please ensure you visit 
our Applying to Rehome a Tortoise page of our website for details ohow to apply and to download the Rehoming Registration Form

If you are new to keeping tortoises or require information regarding their care, there is lots of information that can be obtained through browsing our website.
We also run a Facebook Forum to share your tortoise keeping experiences or if you would like advice about Tortoise care, please feel free to join and ask as many questions as you see fit.
We are more than willing to answer any questions you have.

Facebook Forum Page

Details of all the tortoises we have available for rehoming can be found though our 

Website Rehoming Page

or through our

Facebook Rehoming Page

If you have a tortoise that you would like to rehome and you have been directed here though a search engine, would you kindly click here for details of our Rehoming Service and how to contact us.

The Tortoise Protection Group is run solely by volunteers. 100% of the funding goes towards the continual development of the website; the cost of our server, bandwidth, maintenance and our popular rehoming service. We rely on the generosity of other fellow tortoise keepers to keep the site and our services up and running.

Please consider donating whatever amount you can to help sustain the Tortoise Protection Group or preferably a small regular monthly donation of £1 or £2 a month. 

Ways to donate:

Donations can be made by paypal to “

By BACS payment or by Standing Order to:-

Bank:  HSBC

  • Account Name:Tortoise Protection Group
  • Sort Code: 40-24-37
  • Account Number: 71364278
If required, please download a Standing Order Instruction for your Bank HERE

or by cheque payment - Kindly make cheques/postal orders payable to the:- 

Tortoise Protection Group and post to:-

Tortoise Protection Group Box
C/O: 55 London Road,

Donations can also be made by Paypal, by clicking the "Donate" button located in the top right hand corner of this page.

Please email us at donate@tortoise-protection-group and let us know if you have paid a donation directly into our bank account so we may acknowledge you.

Kindest Regards
The Tortoise Protection Group

January 2014


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