Lost or Found Tortoises

The Tortoise Protection Group is only too pleased to help try and unite lost/found tortoises with owners. If you have lost or found a tortoise we recommend you also contact John Hayward from the National Theft Register for Zoological wildlife Investigations who runs a register of all such cases.  His contact details are:

Tel/fax: 01869 325699
Mobile:  07802 404929
Pager:  07626 120425
e-mail:  jh@ntr.supanet.com

We would also recommend you contact all your local vets and any rescue centres.

If you have lost or found a tortoise and you would like us to help, please drop us an e-mail at lostfound@tortoise-protection-group.org.uk with a photograph of the lost/found tortoise please. Only photos of lost tortoises will be published through our website, forums, Facebook groups etc. Please click the below links to view the lost found tortoises reported to us:-



The Tortoise Protection Group is run solely by volunteers. We make no charge for any of the work we do and we rely entirely on donations to keep the TPG running. 100% of the funding goes towards the continual development of the website; the cost of our server, bandwidth, maintenance, our popular rehoming service, lost/found service and many other areas.

Kindly consider a small donation to the Tortoise Protection Group or preferably a small regular monthly donation of £1 or £2 a month. We rely on the generosity of other fellow tortoise keepers to keep the site and all our services up and running.

Ways to donate:

By BACS payment or by Standing Order to:-

  • Bank:  HSBC
  • Account Name:Tortoise Protection Group
  • Sort Code: 40-24-37
  • Account Number: 71364278

If required, please download a Standing Order Instruction for your bank HERE

or by cheque payment - Kindly make cheques/postal orders payable to the:- 
Tortoise Protection Group 
and post to:-

Tortoise Protection Group Box
C/O: 55 London Road,
Kent CT17 0SP

Donations can also be made by Paypal, by clicking the "Donate" button located in the top right hand corner of this page.

Please email us at donate@tortoise-protection-group and let us know if you have paid a donation directly into our bank account so we may acknowledge you.


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