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Tortoise Protection Group Forum
Welcome to the forum, rules and how to use the forum, photo gallery, forum problems, feedback and suggestions
328 Hibernation - 17/11/2022 - 14:11:18 GMT - by Jmrivers
Tortoise General Questions
General tortoise related questions covering all species.
726 Tortoise not eating - 06/12/2023 - 10:47:33 GMT - by Amanda.ruby
Tortoise Care, Health/Problems
Tortoise care, any health issues and problems, also check our comprehensive set of Care Sheets.
700 Burrowing during the day in June - 20/06/2024 - 22:42:05 GMT - by Lesley Boo
Tortoise diet, feeding or drinking queries.
208 Newbie - 06/06/2022 - 08:16:51 GMT - by Ingicumbo
Heating, Lighting and Equipment
For help and guidance, getting started or setting up your equipment.
213 Mrs - 08/12/2022 - 22:54:35 GMT - by Leany
Indoor and Outdoor Enclosures
Tortoise housing, indoor or outdoor, sharing good practices.
254 Indoor substrate - 06/08/2023 - 22:05:39 GMT - by Nicola22
All aspects of hibernation, including fridge and box methods, also check out our Hibernation Section.
420 Hibernation confusion - 14/10/2022 - 11:20:47 GMT - by Jokek
Breeding, incubation and hatching.
105 Eggs laid without shells - 12/06/2017 - 21:57:51 GMT - by Gill and Vera
Weed/Plant IDs and information
For weed/plant ids, post pictures of the whole plant including leaves and flowers if possible.
16 New Book on Food for Tortoises. - 14/05/2016 - 16:40:03 GMT - by Tom
Pet Shops and Internet Dealers
Report your experiences here, but please don't post names, we will get back to you if necessary.
60 Concern re tortoises for sale adverts - 07/02/2017 - 23:10:58 GMT - by chelonia2009
Tortoise Legislation
Animal Acts, CITES, Article 10s, etc
17 Tortoise shell damaged - 12/07/2023 - 21:01:56 GMT - by HP
News and petitions on animal causes.
23 Heat mats. - 20/07/2016 - 00:09:34 GMT - by
General Off-Topic
Come and introduce yourself, chat and 'meet' other tortoise keepers.
218 Searching for an Indian Star Tortoises ? Indian start torotise are the same size as the Greek Tortoise, growing to 12 inches. What makes this tortoise a great beginner pet is their adaptability to survive in different humidity levels - 21/04/2021 - 09:14:22 GMT - by tortoiseman
All general queries regarding the rehoming process, and details about tortoises requiring new homes will be posted here. The Tortoise Protection Group DO NOT allow individuals to re-home their own tortoises, or to put out a request to rehome a tortoise from someone else on this list, BUT if you have a tortoise to re-home or would like to re-home a tortoise, please contact us and we will be happy to help you. PLEASE DO NOT WANTED ADVERTS HERE OR TORTOISES TO REHOME.
372 Help, I need to rehome my tortoise - 25/12/2021 - 14:51:19 GMT - by Lou83
Lost and Found
Details and discussions on tortoises or turtles that have either been lost of found.
120 Terrapin near Camden lock - 29/09/2023 - 12:49:40 GMT - by Rosep
Photo Gallery Issues
Use this section to raise any issues relating to the TPG photo gallery or the members' gallery
25 Horsefield tortoise - 25/05/2017 - 15:27:25 GMT - by tomgilding
Vets Recommended by Members
We often have difficulties sourcing good tortoises vets. Please feel free to recommend your Tortoise Vet in this section
14 Vet - 5 Star. - 19/07/2016 - 23:44:55 GMT - by
Buying a Tortoise / Tortoise For Sale
Looking for a Tortoise?
42 Buying a Greek Tortoise - 09/09/2022 - 18:21:39 GMT - by robertrichardson006

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