Instructions on how to use the forum

Welcome to the TPG forum that is dedicated to answering queries on all aspects of tortoise keeping.  It's a great contact point for all tortoise keepers, new and old; to exchange knowledge and experience, in order to ensure that while tortoises are kept in our care we try to recreate their natural environment as closely as possible. 

If you are on Facebook, we do run a much busier forum on there, which can be reached by clicking below:-


So come on and get posting, just follow these easy instructions!

Add a Post

• Choose the subject heading that best applies to the message you wish to write
• Select 'New Post' on the green tool bar. 
• Enter the title of your message in the 'Title' box
• Add message in the large white box below.
• To use Smileys, hold the cursor over the required smiley, and click and drag it into position.
• If you want to add a picture, go to 'upload' and follow the instructions. Make sure the image is reduced  in size.

If the screen times out without uploading your image this indicates that it is too large and you  will need to reduce its size. One way this can be done if you don’t have digital imaging software on your  computer is by using a service such as

WindowXP users download the resizing tool:

• When image upload is complete press 'submit'.
• There is no provision to edit a post once it has been submitted.
•  If you want a post removed click here to contact one of the forum administrators who will remove it for  you.

Removing a Post

If you want a post removed contact one of the forum administrators who will remove it for you

Replying to a Post

To answer a post use the button 'Reply to Post' at the side of the message you are reading (the same procedure set out above applies).

Experiencing Problems Posting?

1. Firefox Browser Users may not be able to use all the forum features.  There is no access to the full editing tool bar.

2. At the moment Firefox users will also be unable to annotate in certain ways -- for example using “<vbg>” -- as the less/greater than brackets are disabled, so please use the square brackets.

We are working to overcome the above 2 problems.

Other problems may be caused by:

Stored Cookies

Try deleting these.  When on the TPG web page, click on “tools” (contained in tool bar at top of the browser screen). The drop-down box appears, the first heading (Internet Explorer (IE) Browser) should read, “Delete Browsing History”. Click this, a box will appear; choose “Delete cookies” button, and press “yes”.

Your Browser's Pop-Up Blocker

This may need adjusting to accept the forum features.  Click on “tools”, from the drop-down box (on IE browser), select “Pop-Up Blocker”.  Another drop-down box will appear; choose “Pop-up Blocker settings”.  A new box will appear:  in the top box, entitled “Address of website to allow”, enter the TPG website address and press “add”, then “close” box at bottom right.



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