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Hermann's has a pink tinge to shell?
Posted: 02/10/2010 by Baybee-Bat

I'm a little concerned as Percy's shell has started to have a pinkish tinge to the shell scutes and the marginal scutes. I first noticed it on the marginal scutes, and checked the forums for information and assumed it was probably brusiing as he's quite boistrous. It has since appeared on his shell.

My main concern is obviously septicemia, but he's very active and doesn't seem to be hindered by it at all. The shell doesn't feel soft or smell. He also eats very well and defecates as normal...

Hopefully the terrible pictures can help a little? I've linked my photobucket as the upload thing doesn't seem to want to work for me.

Re: Hermann's has a pink tinge to shell?
Posted: 05/10/2010 by TPGDave

Hi there

There does seem to be a pinkish tinge but to me it doessnt look like septacemia. Difficult to tell fromnphotos though so please consult a vey if worried. I have seen pinkish colouration around the scute seams in my own Hermanns, usually in the growth areas but this seems different to that. As you've noticed it develop it may be worth a vet visit for peace of mind.

Re: Hermann's has a pink tinge to shell?
Posted: 26/12/2010 by Mozla

Did you get this issue resolved? Just wanted to know.

Re: Hermann's has a pink tinge to shell?
Posted: 28/03/2011 by Baybee-Bat

Hi! Sorry for the late reply...I don't get any notifications! It seems to come and go. Nothing triggers it as far as I know. Maybe growth spurts?

Re: Hermann's has a pink tinge to shell?
Posted: 29/03/2011 by VivTPG

Thanks for the update, regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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