You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise Care, Health/Problems |
Topic Titles | Started By (replies) | Replies | Last Reply |
哪里可以买到护照,购买真假护照,购买驾照, 购买护照, (WHATSAPP:+1 (725) 867-9567) | braveone78780 | 0 | |
Burrowing during the day in June | Lesley Boo0 | 0 | |
Burrowing during the day in June | Lesley Boo0 | 0 | |
80+ year old herman lethargic and not eating after hibernation | SandyMac0 | 0 | |
80+ year old herman lethargic and not eating after hibernation | SandyMac0 | 0 | |
80+ year old herman lethargic and not eating after hibernation | SandyMac0 | 0 | |
80+ year old herman lethargic and not eating after hibernation | SandyMac0 | 0 | |
New hatchling no weight gain | KateT0 | 0 | |
Worried | Mary271 | 1 | 08/11/2020 - 10:16:54 by HelenM |
Sleepy tortroises | RJOfford0 | 0 | |
Sleepy tortroises | RJOfford0 | 0 | |
Not Eating/Pooing | Herbinator0 | 0 | |
Not Eating/Pooing | Herbinator0 | 0 | |
Not Eating/Pooing | Herbinator0 | 0 | |
Stroke? | Claddersmum0 | 0 | |
Spur thigh | Hayleypebbles0 | 0 | |
Dog attacked tortoise | Jacqui Cable0 | 0 | |
Charlie | Annie collins0 | 0 | |
Stopped passing urates | Willmongare 5 | 5 | 02/07/2017 - 18:02:33 by |
spurthigh help | scott194 | 4 | 08/06/2017 - 18:15:30 by |
My spur thigh tortoise | Savannahlouise4 | 4 | 16/07/2018 - 23:29:38 by Hayleypebbles |
Eyes swollen shut | Mreynolds3 | 3 | 19/04/2017 - 12:10:26 by |
My girl rosie | my girl rosie1 | 1 | 09/04/2017 - 18:03:31 by |
Tort cant open his jaw to eat | rufus_mama2 | 2 | 06/04/2017 - 17:43:16 by |
Husbandry.Torts coming out of hibernation need water b4 food. | tomtortoise@tovevalley.net0 | 0 | |
Horsefield tortoise tito needs your help | Naidene230 | 0 | |
Spur-thighed Tortoise not eating! | waldronpg3 | 3 | 06/03/2017 - 23:16:02 by |
Spur-thighed Tortoise awake! | waldronpg4 | 4 | 20/02/2017 - 08:05:18 by waldronpg |
Self hibernating 18 month Hermanns? | RockyRocket12 | 12 | 02/02/2017 - 22:22:02 by |
Self hibernating 18 month Hermanns? | RockyRocket0 | 0 | |
Herman hatchling hasn't pooed since I got him | NaomiTank1 | 1 | 10/01/2017 - 16:46:22 by |
Baby Hermann won't eat and climbing walls HELP | Will cole11 | 11 | 27/01/2017 - 23:21:42 by |
White spot on Shell | Ruthy_891 | 1 | 07/01/2017 - 21:09:57 by |
Under Weight | joss1 | 1 | 04/01/2017 - 22:31:24 by |
Tortoise Cold/health | Holiday3 | 3 | 31/12/2016 - 13:16:01 by |
Tortoise not eating | Tortie-etta4 | 4 | 13/10/2016 - 23:20:04 by |
poor george | juliesaxon3 | 3 | 05/10/2016 - 23:19:19 by |
Eggs laid everywhere | Sybil4 | 4 | 06/10/2016 - 12:24:20 by Sybil |
Just had our first experience of egg laying - Help | Angela.w1 | 1 | 02/09/2016 - 19:37:47 by |
Urgent advice required | Lcm829 | 9 | 18/09/2016 - 15:51:45 by Lcm82 |
Hissing | Lulu2 | 2 | 10/09/2016 - 14:33:27 by |
Weight gain | Alison993 | 3 | 24/08/2016 - 19:49:45 by |
Runny Nose | Linny214 | 4 | 25/08/2016 - 09:46:18 by |
horsefield probs | elliebaybii9310 | 10 | 15/08/2016 - 00:10:20 by |
health questions | gracebrenton20027 | 7 | 25/08/2016 - 15:46:17 by gracebrenton2002 |
Devastated new tortoise keeper | Mindi1 | 1 | 08/08/2016 - 23:22:10 by |
Horsfield shell | LauraS1 | 1 | 12/08/2016 - 21:21:18 by |
Devastated newbie Star Tortoise keeper | Mindi0 | 0 | |
Prolapsed egg chute | Noelle1 | 1 | 26/07/2016 - 13:07:37 by |
Weight gain | gillhav4 | 4 | 01/07/2016 - 21:26:53 by gillhav |
overgrown beak | | 2 | 06/07/2016 - 14:07:19 by |
ill tortoise | Karen.turner5 | 5 | 28/06/2016 - 21:30:32 by |
Poss constipation | Helend1 | 1 | 25/06/2016 - 15:20:10 by Tom |
Tortoise not getting up | RockyRocket7 | 7 | 24/06/2016 - 17:16:49 by RockyRocket |
Pyramiding new owner advice | Kf711 | 1 | 05/06/2016 - 18:59:06 by Tom |
Baby hermanns sleeping too much? | marc.knuckle2 | 2 | 17/05/2016 - 22:29:13 by marc.knuckle |
Vivarium ? NO !! | Tom0 | 0 | |
Scam below | Tom0 | 0 | |
Tortoises For Sale | salereptiles0 | 0 | |
Hemanns hatchling has water bubbles from nose and watery eyes | julie0205744 | 4 | 01/05/2016 - 18:07:25 by Tom |
Bladder or kidney stones | Dferrara1 | 1 | 21/04/2016 - 00:12:21 by Tom |
Runny Nose Syndrome | GrahamH4 | 4 | 15/04/2016 - 07:40:11 by GrahamH |
Advice my tortoise is very sluggish and has a problem with his shell | Cazb1 | 1 | 30/03/2016 - 21:12:25 by Tom |
Sleepy! | tilly the tortoise6 | 6 | 28/03/2016 - 10:57:15 by Tom |
Snuffley nasel sound | jennyjames5 | 5 | 19/03/2016 - 00:06:02 by Tom |
Runny Green poop | JMDavey4 | 4 | 16/03/2016 - 20:36:42 by Tom |
dog chewed off tortoise tail and hind leg | vlgt1 | 1 | 28/02/2016 - 20:28:41 by Tom |
Help | Sazzle1 | 1 | 28/02/2016 - 10:41:59 by Tom |
Runny Nose - AB or not? | Wowdude3 | 3 | 12/02/2016 - 18:06:15 by Tom |
WORMS | korenxx3 | 3 | 09/02/2016 - 23:05:17 by Tom |
Spur thigh hatchling sleeping lots and not eating | J. Thomas9 | 9 | 12/02/2016 - 16:22:43 by J. Thomas |
No poop! | littleT3 | 3 | 01/02/2016 - 19:15:52 by Tom.p |
New Parents are worried | Gayferj@gmail.com4 | 4 | 29/01/2016 - 20:45:42 by Tom |
Sulcata | Peter isted1 | 1 | 20/01/2016 - 16:00:21 by Tom |
Indian star shedding | Fens10 | 10 | 19/12/2015 - 11:58:11 by Tom |
New Book on Food for Tortoises. | Tom0 | 0 | |
Help! I'll horsefild Tortoise | davidgh11 | 1 | 11/11/2015 - 22:16:49 by Tom |
Baby Hermanns with eye problem | George Norman10 | 10 | 10/02/2016 - 16:59:37 by Debbie and Alex |
Claws | Deckers1 | 1 | 29/10/2015 - 16:56:46 by Tom |
Losing weight | Lynne Blakeley1 | 1 | 26/10/2015 - 17:26:57 by Tom |
As message below regarding help but message wont load sorry | Biscuit3 | 3 | 22/10/2015 - 11:24:22 by Biscuit |
Really Need Help Please | Biscuit1 | 1 | 21/10/2015 - 19:29:00 by Biscuit |
Where can I buy a Worm Count Kit ? | Samantha Berringer1 | 1 | 15/10/2015 - 13:28:41 by Tom |
rescued horsefields not using back legs | lilly733 | 3 | 12/10/2015 - 21:48:34 by Tom |
My hermann | Louise361 | 1 | 07/10/2015 - 16:43:00 by Tom |
. | lottyfaye0 | 0 | |
White spot on tip of tongue | TT13 | 3 | 28/09/2015 - 15:20:06 by Tom |
Found a hatchling | Claire Shepherd2 | 2 | 15/09/2015 - 11:38:15 by Claire Shepherd |
Found a hatchling | Claire Shepherd0 | 0 | |
am I doing everything right?? please help | leanne mozley6 | 6 | 16/09/2015 - 12:50:47 by leanne mozley |
Oxytocin | Janet221 | 1 | 21/08/2015 - 18:49:05 by Tom |
Aggressive Tortoise | Roy Booth2 | 2 | 19/08/2015 - 15:18:47 by Roy Booth |
Flipped in hot weather | sulcata tortoise3 | 3 | 01/08/2015 - 06:52:08 by sulcata tortoise |
yellow swelling on front leg | jane Thompson1 | 1 | 28/07/2015 - 00:10:55 by Tom |
Yeast | Mrs P2 | 2 | 29/07/2015 - 17:57:27 by Mrs P |
Constipated tortoise? | nmiddy5 | 5 | 27/07/2015 - 08:51:43 by nmiddy |
Horsfield not growing | prandall2 | 2 | 15/07/2015 - 22:35:39 by Tom |
Is my Hermann egg-bound? | Elf-girl5 | 5 | 11/07/2015 - 21:41:04 by Tom |
scute loss | donnafj1 | 1 | 30/06/2015 - 14:49:47 by Tom |
Help | tomandjerry1 | 1 | 28/06/2015 - 22:10:01 by Tom |
Beak problem | Sjh051 | 1 | 25/06/2015 - 19:16:16 by Tom |
Potential purchase/rescue advice please | classicnovum1 | 1 | 22/06/2015 - 16:15:00 by Tom |
Right arm under developed | Rialefay1 | 1 | 01/06/2015 - 20:47:16 by Tom |
Poorly George | ergo2 | 2 | 30/05/2015 - 13:32:35 by Tom |
Worming | NannaEm1 | 1 | 27/05/2015 - 20:46:29 by Tom |
Hatchling outdoors straight away? | Spanish392 | 2 | 13/05/2015 - 17:27:42 by Spanish39 |
Help please | Hlr1232 | 2 | 05/05/2015 - 22:00:10 by Hlr123 |
help with my tortoise | natalie871 | 1 | 27/04/2015 - 20:11:01 by |
Hatchling Horsfield Pulling its legs in ... | Stella0011 | 1 | 26/04/2015 - 13:59:52 by |
pink area underside | MrsM1 | 1 | 25/04/2015 - 10:47:58 by |
help please | sam.s4 | 4 | 21/04/2015 - 20:24:10 by sam.s |
Bumpy shell | Donna fowler1 | 1 | 19/04/2015 - 11:34:22 by |
Females fighting | Nannapat1 | 1 | 18/04/2015 - 21:29:41 by |
Spur thigh not eating | traciemay1 | 1 | 31/03/2015 - 22:47:51 by Tom |
8 month old herman inactive | Pansie1 | 1 | 27/03/2015 - 00:32:33 by Tom |
horsefield sore mouth | karenwins1 | 1 | 21/03/2015 - 11:57:18 by Tom |
shell discharge | ripply3231 | 1 | 13/03/2015 - 22:56:11 by Tom |
Mycroplasma | Snowflakes3 | 3 | 11/03/2015 - 22:53:18 by Tom |
Is it dead? | DrDebs1 | 1 | 09/03/2015 - 23:43:02 by Tom |
poorly horsefield eye. | oliviaweaver1 | 1 | 01/03/2015 - 13:30:48 by Tom |
Spur thigh shell problem | Humphreysmum0 | 0 | |
Nebuliser | Snowflakes0 | 0 | |
Mystery Skin Condition - HELP! | allinedepaula1 | 1 | 25/02/2015 - 14:30:10 by sky |
Juvenile horsefield has stopped eating | lozjonno2 | 2 | 25/02/2015 - 14:32:37 by sky |
Repeated bottom swinging | Roo1 | 1 | 04/02/2015 - 01:18:37 by Tom |
Burrowing | Remmea1 | 1 | 01/02/2015 - 14:12:48 by Tom |
Is my tortoises shell pyramiding | Lilaclavender 1 | 1 | 29/01/2015 - 22:13:08 by Tom |
Hermann shell curling | jessford852 | 2 | 27/01/2015 - 22:19:08 by jessford85 |
Day and night Temperatures | Brummy_Tort2 | 2 | 20/01/2015 - 18:25:13 by Brummy_Tort |
SoftShell - Horsefield | MattPitt7 | 7 | 26/01/2015 - 17:43:04 by MattPitt |
Horsefield Clicking / popping noise | Brummy_Tort1 | 1 | 15/01/2015 - 19:28:56 by Tom |
Blinks and Winks | Lilly+Allen1 | 1 | 02/01/2015 - 00:49:39 by Tom |
Leaky Eyes and Red Footed Tortoise | Mishelle-Redfoot1 | 1 | 31/12/2014 - 20:28:40 by Tom |
baby mediteranean wont eat | mazzy11 | 1 | 22/12/2014 - 21:35:43 by Tom |
horsefield eye | laurenlansbury3 | 3 | 18/12/2014 - 18:06:16 by Tom |
help please | sam.s7 | 7 | 16/04/2015 - 21:45:23 by sam.s |
Russian Tortoise eye. | laurenlansbury2 | 2 | 09/12/2014 - 16:51:30 by laurenlansbury |
Am I doing something wrong? | 10lindseye0 | 0 | |
Am I doing something wrong? | 10lindseye0 | 0 | |
Russian Tortoise eye. | laurenlansbury0 | 0 | |
frank the boss | jacqui senior0 | 0 | |
Mrs | sueshaw690 | 0 | |
Lump on throat | rgibson1 | 1 | 31/10/2014 - 13:49:58 by Tom |
Behaviour change?? | JAYGEEMEE2 | 2 | 02/11/2014 - 18:15:48 by JAYGEEMEE |
Pink colouring | greendayjlb2 | 2 | 30/10/2014 - 13:52:16 by JAYGEEMEE |
Tortoise Dragging it's back legs | jared3 | 3 | 21/10/2014 - 17:51:53 by Tom |
tortoise has a bad eye | sophie1231 | 1 | 19/10/2014 - 18:09:11 by Tom |
Wormcount | greendayjlb1 | 1 | 19/10/2014 - 10:21:37 by Tom |
Avoid Damp BUT Hibernate in Damp Substrate? | TONY the russian3 | 3 | 03/10/2014 - 01:07:16 by Tom |
Lump on tail | jessford851 | 1 | 26/09/2014 - 20:11:53 by Tom |
How to prevent further pyramiding | tyrannosaurusbr3 | 3 | 26/09/2014 - 11:37:07 by jessford85 |
URGENT - Green Urates | mrs f1 | 1 | 23/09/2014 - 00:43:54 by Tom |
Old enough to lay eggs | mrs f2 | 2 | 17/09/2014 - 12:13:23 by mrs f |
Tortoise not eaten 2 months | peterC1 | 1 | 26/08/2014 - 18:49:47 by Tom |
Winter for horefields.. | Animalia1 | 1 | 23/08/2014 - 00:11:21 by Tom |
Lively Horsefield Not Eating or Pooping | wrclatham0 | 0 | |
Young Horsefield Very lethargic not moving much. | Plankie1 | 1 | 05/08/2014 - 11:37:14 by Tom |
Health Issue | hevikin1 | 1 | 31/07/2014 - 19:30:41 by Tom |
tortoise not using one leg | tracymulc1 | 1 | 27/07/2014 - 12:25:25 by Tom |
Just got a Horsefield tortoise and worried it is behaving abnormally | Ejo833 | 3 | 23/07/2014 - 20:50:17 by Tom |
Tortoise has developed a hole above nostrils | wendy633 | 3 | 20/07/2014 - 12:26:03 by wendy63 |
Spur thigh tortoise needs help | Gin1 | 1 | 10/07/2014 - 01:35:58 by Tom |
Marginated tortoise | johnsorg5 | 5 | 15/08/2014 - 00:00:40 by Tom |
Pyramiding and general advice needed please | kwo32 | 2 | 06/07/2014 - 22:35:25 by Tom |
Vet in Suffolk/Norfolk area | johnsorg2 | 2 | 07/07/2014 - 12:45:02 by johnsorg |
how often can females lay eggs | huni2 | 2 | 02/07/2014 - 19:01:51 by huni |
My horsefield has stopped eating | emawozea1 | 1 | 25/06/2014 - 23:41:48 by Tom |
What Could Be Causing This? | H202 | 2 | 12/06/2014 - 12:23:04 by Tom |
Implant to stop egg production | DougW6 | 6 | 15/06/2014 - 12:56:26 by DougW |
Can't open eye | Racheal2 | 2 | 05/06/2014 - 18:11:29 by Tom |
light pink | esirehc0 | 0 | |
sore tail | mrsking1 | 1 | 13/05/2014 - 11:21:58 by Tom |
FAO Tom | matthew3 | 3 | 22/04/2014 - 13:01:33 by Tom |
Hi Tom | colleen1233 | 3 | 20/03/2014 - 07:53:15 by colleen123 |
Wondering what classification this tortoise is and some other General Questions | HankTT1 | 1 | 13/03/2014 - 22:58:54 by Tom |
Tortoise wormer | midorigoi.13 | 3 | 28/01/2015 - 11:41:03 by tortilla |
no idea please help | colleen1234 | 4 | 01/03/2014 - 09:40:26 by colleen123 |
Shell Damage Advice | mickeystitch3 | 3 | 26/01/2014 - 12:49:31 by Tom |
tortoise table | alison.thurston2@ntlworld.com3 | 3 | 18/01/2014 - 00:51:59 by Tom |
When does a beak need trimming | Mozla1 | 1 | 19/12/2013 - 22:54:01 by Tom |
convex, raised shell help! | Basia1 | 1 | 10/12/2013 - by Tom |
Beak deformation | alibannani2 | 2 | 03/12/2013 - by Tom |
Nail off nerve exposed | Davidson1 | 1 | 25/11/2013 - by Tom |
Libby | Libby Holcombe2 | 2 | 11/11/2013 - by Tom |
Advice please Horsefield laid eggs | pj1 | 1 | 05/11/2013 - by Tom |
Help | Littlemay2 | 2 | 01/11/2013 - by Tom |
Sick Tortoise | korenxx2 | 2 | 28/12/2013 - 14:25:24 by korenxx |
ADVISE PLEASE | GORDONC1 | 1 | 04/01/2014 - 13:52:24 by TPGDarren |
advice appreciated | Marlow0 | 0 | |
mating my spur thighs | phoebe0 | 0 | |
hatchlings weight gain | phoebe0 | 0 | |
Horsfield Tortoise not eating | Dawnie.g0 | 0 | |
Lump on neck please help | Helena.sid1 | 1 | 03/10/2013 - by Tom |
yellow/ pinky wee | HIPPO782 | 2 | 04/10/2013 - by HIPPO78 |
Not eating | Mollykelly14 | 14 | 07/10/2013 - by Tom |
Swollen eyes | Trudy5111 | 1 | 21/09/2013 - by Doug Keen |
Pyramiding? | JessicaGrant4 | 4 | 18/09/2013 - by JessicaGrant |
Help!!! | marcela2 | 2 | 18/09/2013 - by alibannani |
help me | sammy1 | 1 | 12/09/2013 - by Tom |
Pink shell | laurenh13 | 3 | 09/09/2013 - by Tom |
Swollen neck | SarahParker1 | 1 | 05/09/2013 - by Tom |
Underbite getting bigger | Tarkie4 | 4 | 10/09/2013 - by laurenh1 |
Supplements | Trina171 | 1 | 03/09/2013 - by Tom |
white, puffy and watery eyes | Catch222 | 2 | 29/08/2013 - by Tom |
Tortoise fell into my pond | Ahamil3 | 3 | 29/08/2013 - by Ahamil |
insurance | KateR1 | 1 | 16/08/2013 - by Tom |
Please help | Zoola2 | 2 | 14/08/2013 - by Zoola |
Not a female!! Am I right? | pauline011 | 1 | 08/08/2013 - by Tom |
Lack of use of rear limbs | Fernley0 | 0 | |
help | jue6 | 6 | 26/07/2013 - by jue |
Worried about Freddy.. | Frodo1 | 1 | 11/07/2013 - by Tom |
Titans sore parts | thesharkeys2 | 2 | 03/07/2013 - by thesharkeys |
Missing nails | daisyd2 | 2 | 03/07/2013 - by daisyd |
crack in shell | adie.k6 | 6 | 10/07/2013 - by adie.k |
My horsefield ate a stone!!! | Tanyawire1 | 1 | 27/06/2013 - by Tom |
Sheldon has a bad leg :( | SheldonBlake4 | 4 | 23/06/2013 - by Tom |
Worried | bobbin1 | 1 | 18/06/2013 - by Tom |
Pacing tortoise | Kerry1231 | 1 | 17/06/2013 - by Tom |
Shell curling at ends | Phoenix4 | 4 | 16/06/2013 - by Tom |
wee | steveb11 | 1 | 11/06/2013 - by tortoisemom |
runny nose and been to vets three | pauline011 | 1 | 04/01/2014 - 13:55:35 by TPGDarren |
Female biting male | pauline010 | 0 | |
Diarrhea - help !! | bribrinelson1 | 1 | 09/06/2013 - by tortoisemom |
poor hermann | marie735 | 5 | 03/06/2013 - by Tom |
Dog ate my baby torts | missya2 | 2 | 21/07/2013 - by Baskinginthesun |
tortise sitting for friend | housesitter1 | 1 | 29/05/2013 - by aleta66 |
Living outside | alibannani1 | 1 | 10/06/2013 - by tortoisemom |
Poorly tort | mrs f6 | 6 | 02/06/2013 - by Tom |
Toilet Trouble | George10 | 0 | |
Upper Respiratory Infection | Piddy1231 | 1 | 23/05/2013 - by Tom |
Runny Nose | chunkdoobiest4 | 4 | 22/05/2013 - by chunkdoobiest |
cut on shell | jimmyelm0 | 0 | |
Getting prepared | Taryn01092 | 2 | 20/05/2013 - by Taryn0109 |
Eggs laid - help/advice needed please. | chihuahua6061 | 1 | 18/05/2013 - by chihuahua606 |
babies wont eat protein | jojomo1 | 1 | 17/05/2013 - by jojomo |
Female Hermann sores on neck | Tonya8 | 8 | 26/07/2021 - 04:44:22 by Kimssonny |
Lazy Tortoise | Kerryanne_901 | 1 | 26/04/2013 - by karenza |
Greek Tortoise closed eye | Nojojono1 | 1 | 20/04/2013 - by Tom |
Fatneck | manicat1 | 1 | 19/04/2013 - by Tom |
Spur thing he'd | Lindakitt4 | 4 | 18/04/2013 - by Lindakitt |
horsefield brown patchy tongue HELP! | loz19816 | 6 | 16/04/2013 - by Tom |
"Cracks" in the shell | alibannani3 | 3 | 09/04/2013 - by sky |
BUSH FIRE RESCUED TORTOISE PLATES FALLING OFF | Wreford-Smith1 | 1 | 31/03/2013 - by TPGDarren |
Miss | Katyjanet9 | 9 | 23/03/2013 - by Tom |
RUNNY EYE | mrs f2 | 2 | 20/03/2013 - by mrs f |
Red Shell? was green..? | mrturtle2 | 2 | 21/03/2013 - by TPGDarren |
Cloudy eyes | sandra herron2 | 2 | 21/03/2013 - by TPGDarren |
Prolapse | taylorj4 | 4 | 21/03/2013 - by TPGDarren |
Sleepy cold tortoise | Nikkilev5 | 5 | 08/03/2013 - by tortoise7 |
burnt tortoise!! | yoshini.1231 | 1 | 26/02/2013 - by tortoise7 |
burnt tortoise! Help!! | yoshini.1235 | 5 | 26/04/2013 - by karenza |
Tortoise Ailment | Lili Rose2 | 2 | 05/02/2013 - by Lili Rose |
Basic care information | Cath!14 | 4 | 30/01/2013 - by TPGDarren |
Freezing tortoises | DavidWYork0 | 0 | |
Help please!!!! | Tanya6 | 6 | 11/01/2013 - by wizzasmum |
Running up and down constantly? | Tjxx1232 | 2 | 07/01/2013 - by Tjxx123 |
Amelias liver problem | Amelias mum9 | 9 | 05/01/2013 - by Amelias mum |
Help needed ASAP | kellyjane20061 | 1 | 29/12/2012 - by wizzasmum |
carole | catnathan0 | 0 | |
HELP!! | Jude18622 | 2 | 28/12/2012 - by jackierose61 |
my tort has diarrhea | jackierose610 | 0 | |
Flaky skin | midorigoi.16 | 6 | 30/11/2012 - by midorigoi.1 |
Poorly Horsfield | bob1 | 1 | 23/11/2012 - by wizzasmum |
Help my tortoise is sick! | aquaangel1 | 1 | 06/11/2012 - by wizzasmum |
good vet | angela 521 | 1 | 06/11/2012 - by wizzasmum |
good vet | angela 520 | 0 | |
Desperately seeking Male Spur thigh! | matilda2 | 2 | 05/10/2012 - by tortoise7 |
open mouth | maz1231 | 1 | 02/10/2012 - by wizzasmum |
bladder stone in 2 year old | Maxine3 | 3 | 02/10/2012 - by Maxine |
Checking advice given by reptile center | Helena.sid2 | 2 | 22/09/2012 - by wizzasmum |
Checking advice given by reptile center | Helena.sid0 | 0 | |
Worming | TG2 | 2 | 22/09/2012 - by TG |
NO EGGS | lizstott6 | 6 | 18/09/2012 - by lizstott |
NO EGGS | lizstott0 | 0 | |
Outdoor heating | dj2 | 2 | 13/09/2012 - by tortoise7 |
My baby hermann is not eating properly | Hilary0 | 0 | |
Weird behaviour | Melissa and George 2 | 2 | 31/08/2012 - by Melissa and George |
help rescue tortoise | misslou2 | 2 | 29/08/2012 - by misslou |
help rescue tortoise | misslou0 | 0 | |
Not eating | TG0 | 0 | |
Not eating | TG0 | 0 | |
shell turning white | phillippa02021 | 1 | 26/08/2012 - by DavidWYork |
shell turning white | phillippa02020 | 0 | |
Slug killer | rogchall2 | 2 | 22/08/2012 - by tortoise7 |
Loss of Appetite | Allison7 | 7 | 23/08/2012 - by wizzasmum |
teary eyes | crush1 | 1 | 07/08/2012 - by tortoise7 |
barnaby | karen47626 | 6 | 14/08/2012 - by DavidWYork |
Baby herman looking poorly | loopy257 | 7 | 03/08/2012 - by tortoise7 |
Sick Pancake baby | belliana5 | 5 | 28/07/2012 - by belliana |
new horsefield blowing bubbles | tombee2 | 2 | 22/07/2012 - by tortoise7 |
Vet - Dorset | Sala2 | 2 | 03/08/2012 - by CLW |
photos of Amelia | Amelias mum7 | 7 | 06/08/2012 - by Amelias mum |
BMD ??? | Amelias mum7 | 7 | 05/08/2012 - by Amelias mum |
spir thighed | jodie0031 | 1 | 10/07/2012 - by tortoise7 |
whats wrong with Raphael?? | swez0 | 0 | |
Letharguc ill little tortoise :( | jcs201210 | 10 | 06/07/2012 - by tortoise7 |
Bubblenose | dj7 | 7 | 31/07/2012 - by dj |
I was told by Vet that Tortoises don't get WORMS! | Wallaby0 | 0 | |
White Poo & White in Eyes | Wallaby0 | 0 | |
Losing scales | Julie.Barron@virginmedia.com1 | 1 | 19/06/2012 - by wizzasmum |
Shedding skin | Helena.sid6 | 6 | 20/06/2012 - by Helena.sid |
Constantly going to sleep | Esiothetort4 | 4 | 06/06/2012 - by tortoise7 |
yellow!!! | my girl rosie1 | 1 | 02/06/2012 - by tortoise7 |
yellow!!! | my girl rosie0 | 0 | |
Gravid Herman | DougW10 | 10 | 09/07/2012 - by DavidWYork |
spur thigh | drephreak2 | 2 | 01/06/2012 - by drephreak |
Pink plastron | alibannani4 | 4 | 01/06/2012 - by DougW |
horsfield with eye problem | donna vick6 | 6 | 29/05/2012 - by DavidWYork |
Swollen Neck Problem | XoXSandeeXoX10 | 10 | 24/05/2012 - by tortoise7 |
White patch on shell | fredmister104 | 4 | 16/05/2012 - by wizzasmum |
Pyramiding Shell | alibannani3 | 3 | 09/05/2012 - by alibannani |
new tortoise | karen671 | 1 | 08/05/2012 - by karen67 |
Help with new torties | EMitchell2 | 2 | 08/05/2012 - by EMitchell |
Abscesses | bobby2 | 2 | 08/05/2012 - by tortoise7 |
Dry skin | Shaughn1231 | 1 | 06/05/2012 - by DavidWYork |
Perfect shells | DavidWYork2 | 2 | 18/05/2012 - by wizzasmum |
Fred | Ted2093 | 3 | 02/05/2012 - by wizzasmum |
15 mths still not eating | Amelias mum2 | 2 | 02/05/2012 - by Amelias mum |
Tortoise Helpline Ireland | tortoiseireland0 | 0 | |
hermann tortoise | manish203 | 3 | 19/04/2012 - by tortoise7 |
HELP!! | jayteexoxo2 | 2 | 29/04/2012 - by TPGDarren |
Message to Ruby | tortoise70 | 0 | |
new owner help | aurorabucket0 | 0 | |
Reply to Ruby | tortoise70 | 0 | |
New owner | oddbod17013 | 3 | 11/04/2012 - by tortoise7 |
Ill Herman? | rubykb44 | 4 | 10/04/2012 - by DavidWYork |
RUNNY POO | jess096 | 6 | 09/04/2012 - by jess09 |
Chipped shell after hibernation! | CharlieC3 | 3 | 06/04/2012 - by tortoise7 |
nails very short and two missing | louie2 | 2 | 28/03/2012 - by louie |
My tortoise skins falls | cisclub4 | 4 | 23/03/2012 - by VivTPG |
Lost and not despair! | DavidWYork2 | 2 | 13/03/2012 - by VivTPG |
Oiled shell | Don1 | 1 | 02/03/2012 - by tortoise7 |
New russian tortoise advice | cm.g@btinternet.com3 | 3 | 26/02/2012 - by tortoise7 |
Horsefield tortoise help | Wwffansmh4 | 4 | 23/02/2012 - by tortoise7 |
problem with egg follicles | Madtortlady1 | 1 | 14/02/2012 - by TPGDarren |
bulging eyes | Jemima2 | 2 | 10/02/2012 - by Jemima |
TOO HEAVY | df7 | 7 | 06/02/2012 - by tortoise7 |
Help please | margie1 | 1 | 30/01/2012 - by tortoise7 |
lighting heat mat | tracey smith6 | 6 | 21/01/2012 - by tracey smith |
new tort owner | jomac2 | 2 | 20/01/2012 - by jomac |
loss of appetite | horsefeild1236 | 6 | 08/05/2012 - by christine williams |
lights? hibernating? help! | lloydandsam8 | 8 | 07/01/2012 - by TPGDarren |
Hors field torty acting strange | Helena.sid2 | 2 | 05/01/2012 - by Helena.sid |
TPG Darren - HELP!!! | victoriataylor55 | 5 | 03/01/2012 - by TPGDarren |
red liquid | shazzler4 | 4 | 29/12/2011 - by tortoise7 |
few problems please help | jules701 | 1 | 21/12/2011 - by tortoise7 |
New Tortoise | shay10 | 10 | 22/12/2011 - by shay |
Walking strangely | LAS29710 | 10 | 19/12/2011 - by DavidWYork |
Jackson ratio & hibernation | Ariane2 | 2 | 22/12/2011 - by Ariane |
Not hibernating! | sian99910 | 10 | 30/12/2011 - by TPGDarren |
toxic or not toxic | d.hameedi1 | 1 | 06/11/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Won't Lay Old Eggs | Swebb1 | 1 | 03/11/2011 - by TPGDarren |
Soft shell- pls help!!!!! | victoriataylor56 | 6 | 04/11/2011 - by victoriataylor5 |
Weight Loss | macwitch310 | 0 | |
Shell curling. Help!!!!! | angel6 | 6 | 25/10/2011 - by DavidWYork |
jaw problem | parimah2 | 2 | 19/10/2011 - by parimah |
'The male of the species!' | Mozla2 | 2 | 19/10/2014 - 15:55:35 by KAB |
very unwell Horsfield | paddy8 | 8 | 11/10/2011 - by DavidWYork |
Mrs | torties31 | 1 | 22/09/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Advice Please | sharon f4 | 4 | 06/10/2011 - by sharon f |
12 days - no poo | df1 | 1 | 14/09/2011 - by tortoise7 |
sleepy tort | shazzler2 | 2 | 09/09/2011 - by shazzler |
help | lesley1531 | 1 | 06/09/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Are poppies poison | df4 | 4 | 16/09/2011 - by df |
Loss of use of legs. | mike-in-sussex0 | 0 | |
scale on face | bubbles5 | 5 | 27/09/2011 - by victoriataylor5 |
eye problem | bubbles1 | 1 | 14/08/2011 - by tortoise7 |
FGAT OR SWOLLEN | chapman41 | 1 | 11/08/2011 - by tortoise7 |
not eating | emma newman5 | 5 | 09/08/2011 - by tortoise7 |
horsefield tortoise | georgena1 | 1 | 29/07/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Horsfield has stopped eating | jond1233 | 3 | 29/07/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Very sleepy Herman | hhaylock2 | 2 | 09/04/2012 - by rubykb4 |
Shell starting to 'pyramid' | Mozla3 | 3 | 26/07/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Swollen eye | Norma Inglis0 | 0 | |
Prolapse?? | larlar253 | 3 | 20/07/2011 - by tortoise7 |
CAN SOMEONE HELP ME | Babygirl1 | 1 | 16/07/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Horsefield tortoise | Genny895 | 5 | 14/07/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Help needed! | choulden202 | 2 | 20/07/2011 - by choulden20 |
sleepy tortoise | chapman41 | 1 | 08/07/2011 - by Mozla |
Wanting to do it right | SylviaKantner3 | 3 | 31/05/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Deworming | nellyana4 | 4 | 10/05/2011 - by nellyana |
is salmonella a problem | kspankie1 | 1 | 04/05/2011 - by DavidWYork |
Bubbles is very poorly... | slowonthe uptake7 | 7 | 06/05/2011 - by VivTPG |
closed eye | liza2 | 2 | 29/04/2011 - by DavidWYork |
Shuffling tort ! | Tracie1 | 1 | 19/04/2011 - by TPGDarren |
Help | tobyhawk2 | 2 | 19/04/2011 - by VivTPG |
Resiratory Infection? | Jean Coyne1 | 1 | 18/04/2011 - by VivTPG |
sheldons ill !!! help plz | alison8 | 8 | 24/04/2011 - by alison |
growth | seadams15 | 15 | 20/04/2011 - by VivTPG |
Has new tortoise died? | bsa16 | 6 | 13/04/2011 - by VivTPG |
Rubbing shell | Paul772 | 2 | 11/04/2011 - by VivTPG |
Skin problems? | Clyde the tortoise10 | 10 | 05/04/2011 - by VivTPG |
Feeding behaviour | tortoise70 | 0 | |
herman eating probs | Maddy4 | 4 | 27/03/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Leopard Tortoise | kimi1 | 1 | 25/03/2011 - by VivTPG |
Tortoise poo | SARAH 11 | 1 | 23/03/2011 - by VivTPG |
Care Sheets | Vicky12061 | 1 | 22/03/2011 - by VivTPG |
Casanova | robert1 | 1 | 22/03/2011 - by VivTPG |
Sleepy tort!! | kirk4 | 4 | 24/03/2011 - by kirk |
vomitting | 11111barcode111111 | 1 | 19/03/2011 - by VivTPG |
Eye Problem | mls9995 | 5 | 16/03/2011 - by DavidWYork |
Drago | elsasabo3 | 3 | 11/03/2011 - by VivTPG |
my new horsefield | markiemark5 | 5 | 07/03/2011 - by markiemark |
help tortoise eating substrate | bubbles5 | 5 | 17/02/2017 - 21:52:23 by Odin the tortoise |
poorley horsefiled | twistedfirestarter0 | 0 | |
Tipping over? | KNS3 | 3 | 24/02/2011 - by tortoise7 |
Tortoise trots | paul W1 | 1 | 27/01/2011 - by TPGDarren |
still no poop | madkay4 | 4 | 26/01/2011 - by tortoise7 |
sand and soil | louisej3 | 3 | 30/01/2011 - by louisej |
Help! Hermann on his back | Jetb2 | 2 | 15/01/2011 - by TPGDave |
Is my tortoise ill | noodles3 | 3 | 14/01/2011 - by VivTPG |
Sleeping problems? | nellyana2 | 2 | 14/01/2011 - by VivTPG |
poo touble | madkay5 | 5 | 09/01/2011 - by madkay |
pink urates updaye | janice1 | 1 | 06/01/2011 - by VivTPG |
vet inWarks | adie.k5 | 5 | 28/02/2011 - by VivTPG |
pink urates | janice2 | 2 | 29/12/2010 - by janice |
wood eating | julieb4 | 4 | 29/12/2010 - by VivTPG |
frnt claw loose | sherif1 | 1 | 16/12/2010 - by TPGDave |
dry skin | karen payne1 | 1 | 16/12/2010 - by tpgAli |
Is there a list of recommended reptile vets? | Mozla2 | 2 | 10/12/2010 - by Mozla |
blood bubble | richard3 | 3 | 09/12/2010 - by tortoise7 |
At long last! | DavidWYork1 | 1 | 24/11/2010 - by tortoise7 |
Not Esio Trots health but mine | yoda3 | 3 | 21/11/2010 - by tpgAli |
SPECIES DISASTER !!! | yoda3 | 3 | 16/11/2010 - by tpgAli |
tortoise not eating | louisej6 | 6 | 04/11/2010 - by louisej |
red foots | spartacus3 | 3 | 02/11/2010 - by TPGDave |
WORM EGGS??? | emjay3 | 3 | 01/11/2010 - by tpgAli |
looking for a young tortoise. | lynnmunro1 | 1 | 28/10/2010 - by tpgAli |
Tortoise falling on its back | Carlygeorge4 | 4 | 27/10/2010 - by tpgAli |
cold weather | P6 | 6 | 24/10/2010 - by tortoise7 |
Hello! Which tortoise? | leaf171 | 1 | 21/10/2010 - by TPGDarren |
upsetting news | winnie2 | 2 | 23/10/2010 - by DavidWYork |
Indestructible worms! | KNS1 | 1 | 05/10/2010 - by TPGDave |
Tank | jnunes1 | 1 | 06/10/2010 - by TPGDave |
Hermann's has a pink tinge to shell? | Baybee-Bat4 | 4 | 29/03/2011 - by VivTPG |
watery eye!! | mypetturbo5 | 5 | 20/12/2010 - by jamestomlin |
SORE BITS | michelle1 | 1 | 18/09/2010 - by VivTPG |
oxyurid eggs | gussythe1 | 1 | 17/09/2010 - by VivTPG |
unhappy pair | missypink6 | 6 | 30/09/2010 - by TPGDarren |
Ear Infection | AandG2 | 2 | 16/09/2010 - by AandG |
Advice for newbie please | chihuahua6068 | 8 | 23/09/2010 - by chihuahua606 |
tortoise weight | beth2 | 2 | 15/09/2010 - by winnie |
tortoise weight | beth0 | 0 | |
Trying to Hibernate | lvernam1 | 1 | 10/09/2010 - by VivTPG |
Worming | davesears2 | 2 | 10/09/2010 - by VivTPG |
My Bowser has eaten hair! | Jeanybean4 | 4 | 26/04/2017 - 04:03:58 by Bowie129 |
Jackson Ratio | dewly3 | 3 | 02/09/2010 - by tortoise7 |
Serious weight loss? | SarahC2 | 2 | 24/08/2010 - by SarahC |
Tortoise nearly drowned | lizzieg2 | 2 | 22/08/2010 - by lizzieg |
Female tortoise scratting with rear legs | christineprice2 | 2 | 21/08/2010 - by TPGDave |
bearded dragons | jack2 | 2 | 21/08/2010 - by TPGDave |
Mrs Brown -Help | Debi2 | 2 | 23/08/2010 - by Debi |
Dragging herself around | KNS10 | 10 | 19/03/2011 - by VivTPG |
Hermans stopped using leg | Paul12341 | 1 | 18/08/2010 - by DavidWYork |
worried about bob, pls help | bob4 | 4 | 13/08/2010 - by tortoise7 |
Inactive Spur-thigh | Anita2 | 2 | 07/08/2010 - by Anita |
upside down | P4 | 4 | 05/08/2010 - by P |
julie | babbler2 | 2 | 03/08/2010 - by babbler |
Vomiting | winnie4 | 4 | 31/07/2010 - by winnie |
Tortoise supplies Abu Dhabi? | Nova2 | 2 | 27/07/2010 - by Nova |
my new torts | scottia10 | 10 | 31/07/2010 - by jack |
Worried about my horsfields | naobec5 | 5 | 06/07/2010 - by naobec |
prolapse | staff3 | 3 | 07/07/2010 - by TPGDave |
Sleepy Tort | Munster5 | 5 | 05/07/2010 - by TPGDave |
Swollen neck in Tortoise | Maz4 | 4 | 08/01/2013 - by samething |
bossy boo! help | angel3 | 3 | 29/06/2010 - by TPGDave |
Shell Rot????? | cazza4 | 4 | 23/06/2010 - by cazza |
vet please help! | Elisabeth Ruane0 | 0 | |
Unwell? marks on head | alyswalton2 | 2 | 19/07/2010 - by TPGDarren |
head-butting | ellie27111 | 1 | 17/06/2010 - by VivTPG |
advice for a new tort owner | cazza4 | 4 | 17/06/2010 - by cazza |
Inactive tortoise with white rings around eyes | bangormark11 | 1 | 14/06/2010 - by DavidWYork |
not responding to treatment | christine10 | 10 | 18/07/2010 - by VivTPG |
Is my tortoise dying? | Takai6 | 6 | 17/06/2010 - by VivTPG |
Constipated Humphrey | Niddynoddy4 | 4 | 17/06/2010 - by VivTPG |
Leopard tort very odd eye problem | Tortygirl3 | 3 | 17/06/2010 - by VivTPG |
Very Sleepy Tortoise | leburge2 | 2 | 17/06/2010 - by VivTPG |
Worming and Panacur | DavidWYork3 | 3 | 22/06/2010 - by Janb |
Weight & Poo | Bushby4 | 4 | 18/06/2010 - by VivTPG |
Penis | ABOBELA3 | 3 | 07/08/2010 - by DavidWYork |
Mrs | ABOBELA1 | 1 | 18/06/2010 - by VivTPG |
microchipping question | barbara ann4 | 4 | 27/05/2010 - by insenceaddict |
wet nose and a sneeze | m.bagley3 | 3 | 19/05/2010 - by VivTPG |
Anyone else get grumpy tortoise syndrome ? | paul W0 | 0 | |
wet and sticky eye | adie.k1 | 1 | 11/05/2010 - by VivTPG |
adie.k | adie.k6 | 6 | 24/05/2010 - by adie.k |
Won't come out of her house | m.bagley1 | 1 | 10/05/2010 - by VivTPG |
Bleeding from mouth | gabrielle9 | 9 | 23/05/2010 - by gabrielle |
Cant walk & wont eat by himself for over a year | dancer795 | 5 | 03/06/2010 - by DavidWYork |
See below | malucachu0 | 0 | |
Tortoise not eating | martin19745 | 5 | 24/04/2010 - by malucachu |
weighing and measuring | winnie3 | 3 | 21/04/2010 - by TPGDave |
horsfield with a blocked nose?? | amy855 | 5 | 24/05/2011 - by TPGDarren |
Horsefild ill | mummychubby2 | 2 | 18/04/2010 - by TPGDarren |
very poorly tort | jandh10 | 10 | 19/05/2010 - by TPGDarren |
Eaten a Scindapsus | ceilismyth@hotmail.com2 | 2 | 14/04/2010 - by |
Tort nails & general advice please | pen-li5 | 5 | 16/04/2010 - by TPGDarren |
Sickly tortoise | Pauline19769 | 9 | 29/04/2010 - by DavidWYork |
Tortoise poo | angelfaye2028 | 8 | 24/03/2010 - by TPGDarren |
nails | jack1 | 1 | 24/03/2010 - by TPGDave |
Bubble Nose | Debi13 | 13 | 09/04/2010 - by Debi |
my poor ill tortoise | rawrimadinogirl15 | 15 | 17/03/2010 - by TPGDarren |
Going well-I think? | janiels1 | 1 | 13/03/2010 - by TPGDave |
Woken up today | janiels2 | 2 | 14/03/2010 - by TPGDarren |
i,m sad | ellen 19633 | 3 | 01/06/2010 - by unhindered |
tortoises and extreme! | smithursts7 | 7 | 09/03/2010 - by tortoise7 |
urgent advise please | winnie5 | 5 | 10/03/2010 - by TPGDarren |
Tortoise Faecal Project 2010 / Free Faecal Screen | DarrenAdmin2 | 2 | 25/07/2010 - by TPGDave |
not eating | SuperMo8 | 8 | 09/03/2010 - by SuperMo |
Bathing | SuperMo3 | 3 | 01/03/2010 - by SuperMo |
Horsfield with Red in its shell | Clairestortoise5 | 5 | 02/03/2010 - by Clairestortoise |
North Wales | SuperMo4 | 4 | 01/03/2010 - by SuperMo |
new Horsefield | SuperMo5 | 5 | 01/03/2010 - by VivTPG |
ants | jack1 | 1 | 01/03/2010 - by VivTPG |
White mark on leg | RSandys3 | 3 | 10/03/2010 - by TPGDarren |
Not eating | johnly11 | 11 | 01/03/2010 - by TPGDarren |
Tort twirling around | didge4 | 4 | 25/02/2010 - by didge |
weight charts | janice1 | 1 | 19/02/2010 - by Clairestortoise |
Safe Marking | davesears2 | 2 | 16/02/2010 - by Clairestortoise |
SOFT SHELL | leburge1 | 1 | 10/02/2010 - by VivTPG |
red cabbage | bentaylor4 | 4 | 31/01/2010 - by TPGDave |
Cleaning out indoor enclosure | Clairestortoise2 | 2 | 27/01/2010 - by tortoise7 |
Weight fluctuation | HelenandBrian2 | 2 | 28/01/2010 - by HelenandBrian |
Lethargic tortoise | Katie7 | 7 | 31/01/2010 - by VivTPG |
Weight fluctuation | HelenandBrian11 | 11 | 22/01/2010 - by tortoise7 |
Dandelion root | tortoise76 | 6 | 16/01/2010 - by tortoise7 |
Tortoise coughing? | Supertack6 | 6 | 15/01/2010 - by VivTPG |
Worms | chestersmum2 | 2 | 14/01/2010 - by TPGDarren |
not good news | angel11 | 11 | 13/01/2010 - by angel |
our poor tort | angel5 | 5 | 11/01/2010 - by Dave K |
SCL Measurements | Clairestortoise2 | 2 | 10/01/2010 - by Clairestortoise |
funny noise | turbox3 | 3 | 10/01/2010 - by TPGDarren |
EYES AND NOT COMING OUT PLEASE HELP!!! | happylittlebee10 | 10 | 07/01/2010 - by happylittlebee |
Tortoise wants to sleep | raycarmody7 | 7 | 29/12/2009 - by raycarmody |
growth on tailspur? | bellfort1 | 1 | 28/12/2009 - by tpgarlene |
snow | turbox5 | 5 | 24/12/2009 - by turbox |
Injecting Baytril urgent advice | Tara7 | 7 | 11/01/2010 - by VivTPG |
Mouth problems | Sophie Shaw1 | 1 | 22/12/2009 - by Dave K |
Update on Lucky | cath1 | 1 | 15/12/2009 - by tortoise7 |
pacing up and down restless | turbox4 | 4 | 04/01/2010 - by dustyatwy |
Lucky not well | cath4 | 4 | 09/12/2009 - by cath |
Leopard tortoise | Hepsebah3 | 3 | 09/12/2009 - by VivTPG |
Eye worries | BabsUk7 | 7 | 30/11/2009 - by BabsUk |
Really do need advice | Tara11 | 11 | 08/12/2009 - by Tara |
help ! | rach2 | 2 | 23/11/2009 - by TPGDarren |
HELP FOR NEW OWNER | Michelle Metcalf7 | 7 | 28/11/2009 - by tpgarlene |
Is overwintering harmful? | kerryjcarl2 | 2 | 21/11/2009 - by kerryjcarl |
Overwintering | kerryjcarl16 | 16 | 22/11/2009 - by TPGDarren |
SOFT SHELL | Naomi2 | 2 | 15/11/2009 - by Naomi |
to hibernate or not? | hughesj1 | 1 | 08/11/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Fishy SMELL! | herbzie1 | 1 | 02/11/2009 - by tpgAli |
shells | ellie27111 | 1 | 01/11/2009 - by TPGDarren |
amazing! | kerryjcarl2 | 2 | 26/10/2009 - by TPGDarren |
please help my testudo greaca little tortoise | Missa16 | 16 | 15/01/2010 - by VivTPG |
Not eating and losing weight | winnie6 | 6 | 22/10/2009 - by winnie |
Healthy or not? | clairesimmons19744 | 4 | 20/10/2009 - by VivTPG |
Horsfeilds weight | sammcatee2 | 2 | 16/10/2009 - by sammcatee |
Russian not poohing | HelenandBrian5 | 5 | 17/10/2009 - by VivTPG |
"bedding" question | lyndash1 | 1 | 14/10/2009 - by VivTPG |
poorly baby herman | darrenm01185 | 5 | 16/10/2009 - by jeanstorts |
mbd?????? | phil31731 | 1 | 14/10/2009 - by VivTPG |
WEEDS | ellen 19632 | 2 | 14/10/2009 - by VivTPG |
Don't understand | kerryjcarl2 | 2 | 08/10/2009 - by kerryjcarl |
squealy tortoise | Mick2 | 2 | 05/10/2009 - by tpgarlene |
swollen cheek | Mable4 | 4 | 06/10/2009 - by tpgAli |
very poorly!!! | debbi16 | 16 | 14/10/2009 - by VivTPG |
eating poo! | kateksb1 | 1 | 27/09/2009 - by kerryjcarl |
PLEASE HELP | ellen 19631 | 1 | 25/09/2009 - by VivTPG |
hello | lindsay893 | 3 | 21/09/2009 - by tpgAli |
evie | kathy tucker4 | 4 | 24/09/2009 - by kathy tucker |
SLEEPY DAVE | lauren6 | 6 | 23/09/2009 - by tpgAli |
Worming | kerryjcarl3 | 3 | 14/10/2009 - by lyndash |
Digging down | Debi2 | 2 | 11/09/2009 - by Debi |
sleepy tortoise | clover10 | 10 | 29/09/2009 - by clover |
Sharp Shell | Row2 | 2 | 05/09/2009 - by Row |
horn like growth | Clive1 | 1 | 02/09/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Sleepy | Munster2 | 2 | 01/09/2009 - by Munster |
eating dryed stalks | acorn11 | 1 | 27/08/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Not eating | sian17 | 17 | 17/09/2009 - by TPGDarren |
peepees | acorn19635 | 5 | 24/08/2009 - by acorn1963 |
Bathing | minniechops1 | 1 | 17/08/2009 - by Laraine |
Not eating | milly13 | 13 | 16/09/2009 - by VivTPG |
I can hear him breathing? | unhindered6 | 6 | 21/08/2009 - by unhindered |
To much weight gain? | winnie3 | 3 | 13/08/2009 - by VivTPG |
flakey skin | winnie1 | 1 | 12/08/2009 - by VivTPG |
HORSFIELDS CLAW | JOTORTYMAD4 | 4 | 12/08/2009 - by tes.tudo1 |
My new baby....... | clairebear19811 | 1 | 11/08/2009 - by clairebear1981 |
Urgent help | tortoise78 | 8 | 09/08/2009 - by tpgAli |
which wormer? | sammykins3 | 3 | 08/08/2009 - by VivTPG |
NEED A VETS! | lauren10 | 10 | 04/08/2009 - by Laraine |
Urates | Jette10 | 10 | 02/08/2009 - by Jette |
Constipation | tortoise76 | 6 | 02/08/2009 - by TPGDarren |
tortoise attacked please help | diago9 | 9 | 06/08/2009 - by VivTPG |
Cracked / snapped Beak | raycarmody4 | 4 | 27/07/2009 - by raycarmody |
Mucas poo | lauren7 | 7 | 03/08/2009 - by TPGDarren |
sad tortoise | colette4 | 4 | 05/08/2009 - by Baybee-Bat |
swollen tail | keza011 | 1 | 21/07/2009 - by Vivienne |
Hot weather and tortoises! | tpgAli5 | 5 | 02/07/2009 - by dandelionz |
Shell rings??? | dandelionz2 | 2 | 01/07/2009 - by dandelionz |
Hasn't Eaten since hibernation | leilab2 | 2 | 01/07/2009 - by leilab |
wee? | Nik1 | 1 | 30/06/2009 - by tpgarlene |
correct weight | clairiscrazy6 | 6 | 03/07/2009 - by clairiscrazy |
bleeding from the neck | beki2 | 2 | 28/06/2009 - by beki |
help needed | Hilda5 | 5 | 27/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
How many baths | tortoise72 | 2 | 26/06/2009 - by tortoise7 |
My tortoise wont come out his shell | weakleyclarke1 | 1 | 24/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
crying /bleating sick tortoise | Jo 1 | 1 | 24/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Growing too fast?? | dewly5 | 5 | 23/06/2009 - by tpgAli |
Beak length | Sumo1 | 1 | 21/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
eating stones | zoozed1 | 1 | 18/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
would anyone be willing to supply me any tort Eggs for hatching maybe? pretty please | onelargetortoise1 | 1 | 18/06/2009 - by Helen_S |
URGENT | jamie15 | 15 | 21/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Help Please Spikes been injured | xXxCatxXx8 | 8 | 18/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
shell probs? | winnie8 | 8 | 13/06/2009 - by winnie |
Vets in Somerset | dewly4 | 4 | 12/06/2009 - by dewly |
help please | spartacus2 | 2 | 10/06/2009 - by spartacus |
How often should he poop? | xXxCatxXx1 | 1 | 10/06/2009 - by tpgarlene |
eating | jue14 | 14 | 02/07/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Energy??? | dewly2 | 2 | 09/06/2009 - by dewly |
Mr Brown not feeling well | Debi3 | 3 | 09/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
poorly Tortoise | stable1815 | 15 | 08/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
No Wee!!!????? | dewly12 | 12 | 18/06/2009 - by dewly |
Correct Weight???? | dewly2 | 2 | 26/05/2009 - by tpgadmin |
Hamish won't eat | Marian3 | 3 | 28/05/2009 - by tpgadmin |
Post Worming Lethargy | kirkie5 | 5 | 24/05/2009 - by kirkie |
Gritty Urates | dewly6 | 6 | 23/05/2009 - by dewly |
bleeding from the shell | tobiesmum12 | 12 | 23/05/2009 - by vivtpgadmin |
The importance of avoiding dehydration in Tortoises | TPGDarren8 | 8 | 20/05/2009 - by tpgNina |
Whistling Tortoise | webbo3 | 3 | 21/05/2009 - by vivtpgadmin |
herman tortoise | lorraine10 | 10 | 14/05/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Plastron & mouth - healthy? | gina2319 | 9 | 09/09/2009 - by gina231 |
Bladder Stones | kirkie5 | 5 | 12/05/2009 - by kirkie |
calcium defieciency how to treat a tortoise is unknown???? | kenya 11 | 11 | 21/06/2009 - by TPGDarren |
New Article on Tube Feeding | tpgNina0 | 0 | |
New Russian Tort - advice needed please | | 10 | 05/05/2009 - by beckyzazou |
poorly baby herman | darrenm01187 | 7 | 26/04/2009 - by tpgNina |
Help/advise need bit of white in poo?? | paddockpeople5 | 5 | 25/04/2009 - by tpgNina |
Soft poop | xXxCatxXx6 | 6 | 29/04/2009 - by xXxCatxXx |
Beck trimming | lu25uk4 | 4 | 19/04/2009 - by tpgNina |
passing blood? | tobythetortoise3 | 3 | 17/04/2009 - by tobythetortoise |
POO POO | TUPPENNY1 | 1 | 17/04/2009 - by tpgadmin |
Bowel functions | tortoise73 | 3 | 11/04/2009 - by tortoise7 |
Herman's lost its tail spur!! | Baybee-Bat16 | 16 | 10/08/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Flakey Shell | jen13 | 13 | 01/04/2009 - by jen |
Veterinary advisor for the Tortoise Protection Group | TPGDarren2 | 2 | 30/03/2009 - by Ozric |
Tortoise Vet urgently required in Surrey | TPGDarren3 | 3 | 29/08/2013 - by juliarapley |
shell rot? | tobiesmum33 | 33 | 28/03/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Bubbles from nose help please | Row35 | 35 | 04/04/2009 - by Row |
Poor Soft Tort | kellysmith197618 | 18 | 21/04/2009 - by tpgNina |
Tortoise vet - Plymouth | kirkie3 | 3 | 16/03/2009 - by kirkie |
Eye Irritation | tortoise76 | 6 | 14/03/2009 - by tpgadmin |
Humidity/temp | paddockpeople5 | 5 | 08/03/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Advise needed asap injury with horsefield tortoise | paddockpeople18 | 18 | 04/03/2009 - by paddockpeople |
Swallowed a stone | Munster4 | 4 | 02/03/2009 - by ElaineTPG |
Horsefield, very worried. | EmilyWiltshire15 | 15 | 02/03/2009 - by EmilyWiltshire |
Redness of new growth? | littleheadvic4 | 4 | 10/03/2009 - by ElaineTPG |
urates | shazzler3 | 3 | 12/06/2009 - by shazzler |
Molly's unbelievable story | tortoise76 | 6 | 21/02/2009 - by ElaineTPG |
Update on Twiggy | Row6 | 6 | 14/02/2009 - by tortoise7 |
Weather Warning !! | TPGJo11 | 11 | 13/02/2009 - by tortoise7 |
Black grains in wee | tortoise77 | 7 | 06/02/2009 - by tortoise7 |
Still Worried | Row12 | 12 | 05/04/2009 - by TPGDarren |
Jelly wee | tortoise710 | 10 | 27/01/2009 - by tortoise7 |
Weepy eyes | nataliehcd1 | 1 | 20/01/2009 - by TPGJo |
After hibernation | tortoise710 | 10 | 21/01/2009 - by tpgNina |
Leopards | divingdancer2 | 2 | 18/01/2009 - by tpgadmin |
Flaky scutes | tortoise722 | 22 | 15/01/2009 - by tortoise7 |
Weather Warning (PLEASE READ) | tpgAli0 | 0 | |
Not eating | Munster7 | 7 | 07/01/2009 - by Munster |
Flaky skin | Shelbyville6 | 6 | 16/02/2009 - by ElaineTPG |
just worrying. | sherri5 | 5 | 05/01/2009 - by sherri |
dehydration and worming | Row12 | 12 | 20/01/2009 - by ElaineTPG |
trouble swollowing | Row11 | 11 | 20/01/2009 - by tpgNina |
Wheezing | imfromwales7 | 7 | 21/12/2008 - by TPGJo |
Flash | colby732 | 2 | 15/12/2008 - by ElaineTPG |
clicking noises? | aliceham11 | 11 | 14/12/2008 - by tpgAli |
Galapagos Tortoises | tpgadmin1 | 1 | 04/12/2008 - by tpgNina |
Weight | Munster14 | 14 | 08/12/2008 - by tpgadmin |
sore skin | imfromwales0 | 0 | |
Eyes | davesears6 | 6 | 24/11/2008 - by ElaineTPG |
5th week into hibernation | tortoise723 | 23 | 25/11/2008 - by tortoise7 |
Sharp part on shell scratching tortoise's neck | littlesquidge3 | 3 | 23/11/2008 - by tpgadmin |
worms | jamie7 | 7 | 20/10/2008 - by jamie |
Weight Loss | Shelbyville10 | 10 | 16/10/2008 - by tpgAli |
Help | Munster22 | 22 | 29/06/2016 - 08:49:05 by |
Just to say Hi!!! | evonne10 | 10 | 28/09/2008 - by evonne |
daft question but urgent answer needed plz | shazzler4 | 4 | 18/09/2008 - by tpgAli |
Squeak? | unhindered4 | 4 | 13/09/2008 - by unhindered |
urates | shazzler2 | 2 | 06/09/2008 - by shazzler |
how do i slow her down ? | shazzler15 | 15 | 01/09/2008 - by shazzler |
Not feeding | tortoise723 | 23 | 17/09/2008 - by TPGDarren |
is she underweight | shazzler14 | 14 | 13/09/2008 - by tpgadmin |
worms again | shazzler3 | 3 | 22/07/2008 - by tpgadmin |
White Poo | Mon0 | 0 | |
White Poo | Mon37 | 37 | 27/07/2018 - 09:39:06 by Luna |
how long do they go without food | shazzler8 | 8 | 16/07/2008 - by shazzler |
Lack of activity | jane8 | 8 | 24/11/2009 - by Clairestortoise |
Dangers in the House and Garden | tpgadmin0 | 0 | |
hiding nutrobal | shazzler6 | 6 | 24/06/2008 - by tpgNina |
Herpes in torts announced by TT | vivtpgadmin3 | 3 | 26/06/2008 - by shazzler |