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Posted: 09/09/2010 by davesears

I know this sounds bad but we've not wormed our Hermanns torts and weve owned the oldest males almost 3 years.

Whats the best wormer to use, how do I administer to the torts?

We have 4 Hermanns in total 2 males born 2006 & 2007 plus 2 females born 2008. And I know the male to female ratio is wrong but we bought the first two from an experienced breeder who told us they should be female.

All advice is greatly appreciated.


Dave & Cathy

Re: Worming
Posted: 09/09/2010 by tortoise7


I haven't wormed my baby who is 4 yrs old as I got her from a very good breeder and she has never shown any signs of worms. I was advised not to worm every year unless you think they have worms. I did worm my adult even though she wasn't showing any worms, but she was a rehomer and I didn't know too much about her background. I haven't wormed her since.
Don't know too much about mixing males and females apart from they say 3 females to every male?  They are very young so I wouldn't have thought that you would have to worry too much about them at the moment. I think someone with more experience in this area will come in on the post and give you advice.
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Worming
Posted: 10/09/2010 by VivTPG

Hi, we dont recommend that torts are wormed on a routine basis, but only when worms are present, it is thought that some worms in the gut can help digestion.  If you suspect worms or want to check before hibernation it is worth having a poo sample checked. A vet will then recommend a wormer for you, some vets use puppy drontal, others recommend panacur.

I hope this helps, regards Vivienne


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