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Woken up today
Posted: 13/03/2010 by janiels

Hi all

Have just woken Twinkle and Pringle up from their first hibernation following the sites suggested methods and so far so good I think....

Have bathed them both and they seem happy enough-Pringle had more sips than Twinkle did...then they looked at the cucumber and tomato and tried to eat it but gave up almost immediately. Twinkle is blowing a few bubbles - do I need to panic or is this a post-hibernation-sleepy-bathe...

They are cuddled up under the basking lamp and I am trying not to keep looking at them-but it is so hard!!

Anyway-any comments/advice would be gratefully recieved as this is our first time and I am feeling quite nervous.


Thank you


Janie x


Re: Woken up today
Posted: 14/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Janie,

You may find it will clear up very quickly. If there is no improvement in a day or two, you should really look to take Twinkle to the vets. Is she breathing OK?


Re: Woken up today
Posted: 14/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Sorry Janie, noticed your other post that it has cleared up:-)

As Dave said - it's no doubt a one-off



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