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Females fighting Posted: 04/04/2015 by Nannapat |
Just bought two 7yr oldHermanns fm lived together for 6. Yrs Viv to small for size of torts in process of building new outdoor enclosure as they have never hibernated putting in large warm (in the daytime) sunroom for exercise and to alleviate boredom .On collection owner said the sometimes fight!!! And they do daily even with the space to move around.Neither is the winner. is this a dominance thing boredom or learnt behaviour. Will I have to separate or find a mate.Did plan to buy a male but expected to keep them apart for a season | |
Re: Females fighting Posted: 18/04/2015 by |
Hello, I regret the delay due to a pc problem. Having been kept in a vivarium, they will have had a very hard time & problems are understandable. Re. your suggestions, a bit of each is likely. I assume that they are both definitely female. Your outside enclosure needs to be at least 20sqm, with plenty of interest within it. With time & good luck, fights should decrease. Adding a male will not work. You can't keep male Hermann's permanently with females, as mating is persistent & aggressive. The 'claw' on the male's tail can cause serious injuries to females. Regards, Tom | |