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horsefield eye
Posted: 16/12/2014 by laurenlansbury

I previously posted on here about my tortoises eye, he's two and has one puffy eye. I am worried it could be RI but he's not showing any other symptoms. I really don't want to pay the vet bills (£30 just for the appointment, I really cannot afford to pay for it near Christmas) can anyone suggest a mixture of thibgs TK try and re open his eye HELP PLEASE

Re: horsefield eye
Posted: 16/12/2014 by Tom

I've no idea what RI or TK mean Lauren. 

Its bad news for your tort if you can't afford a vet, although I sympathise with you.
Can you get to a PDSA Centre, there you pay what you can.

At least you have improved the lighting. As you will have seen on the Caresheet, it needs a dusting of Nutrobal on it's food.

What temp is it at tort level ?


Re: horsefield eye
Posted: 17/12/2014 by laurenlansbury

30 under the heat lamp. I'm using topsoil now instead of bark chips and tortoise terrain (sand basically), RI is a respiratory infection, he's only showing one symptom (closed eye) so hopefully it was just the substrate I was using 

Re: horsefield eye
Posted: 18/12/2014 by Tom

Let's hope so, eye probs are fairly rare, but can be v. serious. 

Let us know what happens,


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