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Shedding skin
Posted: 13/06/2012 by Helena.sid

Hi there
Iv had Sid for about 9 months now he is roughly 18 months old. We have him in a tortoise table with 50:50 topsoil/play sand. Iv noticed that all around he's neck area it look likes he skin is shredding. He doesn't look like he's sore or cut etc I just haven't seen it before so would like abit of advice.
Thank you

Re: Shedding skin
Posted: 14/06/2012 by tortoise7

Can you post a photo so we can see?

Re: Shedding skin
Posted: 14/06/2012 by wizzasmum

What species is he please? Horsfields tend to shed a lot of skin in this area, especially when growing. Some of mine look like little frilled dragons right now ;)

Re: Shedding skin
Posted: 17/06/2012 by Helena.sid

Re: Shedding skin
Posted: 17/06/2012 by Helena.sid

Re: Shedding skin
Posted: 18/06/2012 by wizzasmum

Yes, he is a very fast grown horsfield. Is it just the pic or is his growth a lot higher at the front than the back? If so, it might be a good idea to check that he is having the correct D3 supplement/uvb lighting. He needs his food amount to be cut down to allow his growth to slow. If you look at the little wiggly lines in the areas of new growth, that is known as keratin stress, which happens when they grow too fast. What do you feed him and how often?

Re: Shedding skin
Posted: 20/06/2012 by Helena.sid

Hi, we have only had him about 9months now we rescued him, when I took him to an approved vet he told us that he hadn't been feed the right foods and that we should give him things like watercress, spring greens, weeds and feed him once a day. I'm really worried now the vet said he's shell wouldn't get better but now we have him we can help it not get worse. Am I doing things wrong?


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