You're in > TPG Members Forum > Indoor and Outdoor Enclosures > Is Scandinavian Redwood Safe for Hermann House?

Is Scandinavian Redwood Safe for Hermann House?
Posted: 22/08/2011 by becki06

Hi i am looking to my Hermann a new indoor enclosure, can somebody please tell me if Scandinavian Redwood is an acceptable to use as I have read so many conflicting stories. Thanks in advance.

Re: Is Scandinavian Redwood Safe for Hermann House?
Posted: 22/08/2011 by tortoise7


I have read on several occasions  that although redwood appears on the safe list of woods, it  is high in toxins, and has been associated with rashes. The dust of redwood has also been associated with lung and eye disorders and it can suppress the immune system. Has anyone else heard anything about Redwood?

Re: Is Scandinavian Redwood Safe for Hermann House?
Posted: 25/04/2012 by tortoise_table

Reading up on something or what people say is like chineese whispers one states something by the time it reaches the 10th person its a completly differrent story, until you have tried something for your self dont make assumptions.Click and drag me down to the editor

We have now been keeping tortoises for several years and have not had a problem with any of our tortoises no health problems i.e breathing, irritation of skin or any eye disorders. We have 10+ tortoises all living in these tables and not had a problem and in the whole time we have kept tortoises never had to visit the vets ---- so there is your answer.

The dust of redwood....... what nonsense you have a kitchen worktop or a wooden table or a side board it stands there for years does not create dust, dust may settle on these surfaces but dust does not create from these materials UNLESS you put a chain saw through it then this will create dust.

Click and drag me down to the editorSo go out buy with confidence and dont listen to what people may assume unless the product has been tested or you have kept tortoises in these tables your self.

Click and drag me down to the editoravailable to buy now prices start from £39.00 VISIT   


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