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Poor pet shop
Posted: 18/08/2011 by anjaba1

Today I visited my local pet shop, and to my delight there was a tortoise for sale - around £140.00. On closer inspection I decided ( I'm no expert in these matters) bit I decided that the poor tortoise did not look very happy.
I approached a member of staff to enquire if they could offer advice/instruction on the care of the tortoise and terrapins they were keeping. I was promptly shown a package for buying the tortoise. it was £225 and included a vivarium, heater, light, food and tortoise.
I wasn't sure that this was the correct way to love a tortoise (that is not how we did it when I was a child!) so came home and googled. I came across the TPG and read 'Elaines Story' which has sent me into a panic for this tortoise (I am not knowledgeable enough to give the correct breed. Elaine was sold the same equipment and advice that my local pet shop is selling !!
Am not sure now how to proceed!!

Re: Poor pet shop
Posted: 18/08/2011 by anjaba1

Sorry it was Lesley's story, not Elaine!

Re: Poor pet shop
Posted: 19/08/2011 by VivTPG

Hi, I'm afraid this is a very common occurance. Dont be tempted to buy this tortoise, as it will just be replaced by another poor imported tortoise. You could try giving or posting them a copy of our care sheets.
Regards Vivienne

Re: Poor pet shop
Posted: 19/08/2011 by tortoise7

It is quite distressing isn't it when you see pets in the wrong conditions? Try posting a care sheet on torts through their door..

 You sound like you are wanting to get a tortoise, when you have decided what species you want to get, you are best going to a reputable  UK breeder, that way you can be sure that you get a healthy tort from the start. Have a good read of the care sheets opposite and ask as many questions as you like, us other members enjoy learning all together, the world of torts is a continuous learning curve


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