You're in > TPG Members Forum > Diet > Ridecco

Posted: 04/08/2011 by Bushby

HI, can someone please tell me if hermanns can eat Ridecco (if thats how its spelt?) its a salad leaf.

Thanks x

Re: Ridecco
Posted: 05/08/2011 by tortoise7

Yes Radicchio can be eaten by torts in moderation or to bulk out weeds, but this time of year it shouldn't be a problem finding lots of juicy weeds

Re: Ridecco
Posted: 25/08/2011 by krissander

If youi have any worries about plants, the tortoise table is a great website, they have a great database of plants identifying which are good to eat, which should be given in moderation and which should be avoided altogether. They will also respond to email enquiries about plants, they sent me a reply in just a couple of hoursClick and drag me down to the editor


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