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No luck!
Posted: 02/08/2011 by kazza

It looks like the second clutch of eggs my 10 year old spur thighed tort has laid, are not fertile. It is nearly seven weeks now and I can't see any difference in the eggs. What am I doing wrong?!! The temperature and humidity are both as advised. It really is disappointing. Any advice welcome! Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: No luck!
Posted: 02/08/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Kazza
I am going to see my friend tomorrow who is incubating some eggs, I will have a chat with her and post again tomorrow

Re: No luck!
Posted: 04/08/2011 by kazza

Thank you Jane

Re: No luck!
Posted: 05/08/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Kazza
From what I have learnt, it is nothing you are doing wrong, it is just the torts are not getting it right. What are you seeing when you candle them?

Re: No luck!
Posted: 08/08/2011 by kazza

Hi Jane

They just seem to be clear. I really can't see any movement or any shadows in  the egg.  It would have been 7 weeks last Saturday that they were laid. I will leave them for a couple of more weeks just in case. They might not be getting it right but it's not for the want of trying!!!

Thanks for your reply and will let you know if anything does happen.


Re: No luck!
Posted: 09/08/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Karen
When I saw my friends tort eggs they were 4 wks old and they had red veins running through the egg, and you could see the baby torts at the bottom.
Just a thought, have you marked the top the egg so that if you pick them up to have a look you don't put them down the other way, this can kill the fetus. I would wait a couple of more weeks as some can take a while to detect if they are fertile. Have you weighed the eggs, that could be another way of seeing if anything is happening? other than that, Dave can you help this lady out?


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