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My First Tortoise
Posted: 01/08/2011 by dougle25


     I got my first Hermann Tortoise yesterday. He is 20 months old. I was told he has lived outside most of his life is this ok at the moment .He has a run 4x4 at the moment but yesterday I let him out as I was in the garden is this ok because all he has done in his run when I put him back in is go up and down the edge of it . One more thing is it ok for him to go on the patio?





Re: My First Tortoise
Posted: 01/08/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Dave
Welcome tortoise owner!!
This is ideal tort weather at the moment, so they will be Ok outdoors. S/he will take a while to discover their pen, and will be a bit cautious at the moment because it is all new, and they like things to be routine and familiar. Do you bring them in of a night time? not meaning this to sound rude in any way, but why do you want to put them on the patio? If you post an image of your set up maybe we can put a few suggestions your way.
Look forward to hearing more, what have you called S/he?

Re: My First Tortoise
Posted: 02/08/2011 by dougle25

Hi  Jane iam not bring Pebble in at the moment .I have a small garden and you could say that the patio is bigger then the grass .I will post a image of my set up and Pebble later today .Thanks David



Re: My First Tortoise
Posted: 02/08/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Dave
Have you got a secure area that is predictor free for keeping pebble in over night? You can make the pen a bit more interesting with a bit of slab (which will help keeps his claws down), build a mound for basking in an area that catches the sun, some shrubs for shelter, not too much grass as this can cause shell rot and respiratory problems if it gets damp. put some topsoil/playsand mix in. There are some really good ideas on the members gallery. You asked about the patio, if you are going to stay with him and just him have an extra bit of exercise until you can expand, that is fine. Hope this helps, have you read the care sheets, they are really good and give a good idea of what you should be aiming for>
Hope this helps

Re: My First Tortoise
Posted: 05/08/2011 by dougle25

Hi Jane

Pebbles first home .He has 50 % sand and 50 % top soil .I nice house that my father in law build .The run is a kids sand pit .I hope he has every thing he needs for now ?



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