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Silly Question
Posted: 28/07/2011 by Terribabylove

This may be a bit of a stupid question but if dont ask its gona bug me lol.

Are tortoises ok with being on there own as was only thinking of getting one?? or would i be better getting 2??

Re: Silly Question
Posted: 28/07/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Terri
They say the only silly question is the one you don't askClick and drag me down to the editor
Tortoise are solitude animals, although some breeders only like to sell in pairs. The problem with that is that you don't know at that age whether you have a boy or a girl, I know that sometimes the breeder can assume, as they bred at the higher temp for the females, but it isn't always guaranteed , and you can't see what sex they are until they are about 5-6yrs old approx, so could you seperate or expand if need be? the thing about torts is that you have to think about things as life long, this has been pointed out to me on a couple of occasions, and I was so thankful for that advice, because I have a lovely set-up now and enjoy my two torts, which is what it is all about. My baby turned out to be a girl and I rehomed an adult female
Hope that helps

Re: Silly Question
Posted: 28/07/2011 by Terribabylove

Thank you for your advice and no, i have no interest in being a breeder, our tortoise is poorly a life long pet so bearing that in mind am i alright just getting one tortoise?? as was a bit confused on weather that be ok or not lol, thanks

Re: Silly Question
Posted: 28/07/2011 by tortoise7

I know I am pleased that I got one to begin with, she got lots of attention so I don't think she got lonely.

Re: Silly Question
Posted: 21/09/2011 by horsefeild123

get one to begin with

if your getting more than one then it must be two females to one male as the female can become stressed because males can be pushy


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