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plz help!!
Posted: 15/07/2011 by Angelbluestar

Hi plz can you help me! i have 3 tortoise's + im getting really worried as 1 of them i think has got the run's or diareia what do i do? plz plz help!

Re: plz help!!
Posted: 15/07/2011 by tortoise7

You need to take the one with diarrhoea out of the pen from the others and disinfect everything down, and then take the tort to a specialist vet, the sooner you can do this the quicker recovery you will have. When you seperate the poorly tort, then put some newspaper down(don't put it near the heat lamp in case it catches fire), this will make it easier to keep the hygiene levels good, keep them warm. Now I have said the immediate things to do for precaution, you say "you think" they have diarrhoea what makes you think that they do?
Don't worry, you have spotted this very quickly and a quick response in return should sort the problem out. Please let us know how you get on
Jane , Keya & Molly


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