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when is the right time
Posted: 13/07/2011 by chelsea1993

My tortoise hasnt been out all day. She is in a tortoise table with a ramp and platform. She has stayed under the platform all day. I have put fresh food in there this morning anf she hasnt touched it. I am new to hibernation and have no clue really on when it is supposed to happen etc.. help!

Re: when is the right time
Posted: 13/07/2011 by tortoise7


Is this just today?  it is too early for hibernation and although it is not warm out, it is not cold enough yet for them to start the process. Try a nice warm bath and try to temp her with some food. How long have you had her?
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: when is the right time
Posted: 14/07/2011 by chelsea1993

Yes it was just yesterday. Hopefully she will be ok today. I changed the food again last night and it has all gone this morning so she must have woken to eat it. I have only had her 3 weeks

Re: when is the right time
Posted: 14/07/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Chelsea

That is good news that she has eaten. Sometimes they take a while to settle into their new home, but keeping alert to their changes is good, so you can pick up early warning signs of any health problems. Can I ask where you brought her from and how she is housed? A good idea would be to a have a read of the care sheets opposite and get yourself familiar with their habits and the environment they need to be kept in, I read lots and still do about torts to get a better understanding of how they tick, it helps to get you over the worrying all the time stage, well improves it teehee
Jane, keya & Molly

Re: when is the right time
Posted: 14/07/2011 by chelsea1993

I got her from watermarque. and she is in a tortoise table indoors. She has been the same today. Burried herself under the newspaper. I did wake her and put her in a warm bath and she kept shutting her eyes in there "/

Re: when is the right time
Posted: 14/07/2011 by tortoise7

You mention newspaper so I am assuming that you have that as substrate? 50-50 top soil & play sand is the best substrate, I would only use newspaper if I had a poorly tortoise. Have you got heat/UV lamps? when she goes in the bath is she pooing and weeing OK sorry but this is every tort owners conversation  Click and drag me down to the editor
I think if she is like that tomorrow then I would take her to a specialist vet for a check over, just for peace of mind. Where did it say that she came from on her certificate?


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