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more pics x
Posted: 27/05/2011 by kerryl

Re: more pics x
Posted: 27/05/2011 by kerryl

OOpps that was meant to add on to the original post!!

Re: more pics x
Posted: 31/05/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Kerry
He looks like he has arrived in heaven with all that campanula, mine just eat it right down to the ground if I let them loose on it, he is a little cutie in't he?.
If you don't mind me saying, but personally I wouldn't have so much grass, make it a bit more earthy with some big stones sunk in and maybe a couple of plants/shrubs. I am always changing my area's, making improvements and getting some good ideas from other people. Have a look on the members gallery there are some brill idea's, it is good fun though, I have decided I like landscaping
Thanks for sharing the pics

Re: more pics x
Posted: 31/05/2011 by tortoise7

Sorry post went before I was ready..
Also I would block in the bottom of the fence so that he could not see through, as he will spend half his time trying to escape, torts love the great escape experienceClick and drag me down to the editor  I couldn't see the other end, but are any areas that he can get shade from or retreat to  nice dark place if wanted too? just one more observation, is he safe from preditors, large birds etc
Please don't think I am being picky, just passing on valuable advice that was given to me when I first started out, it is brilliant that you are thinking tort outdoors, sadly alot of ill informed people have to be educated on their mistakes, and think torts in doors fish tank, alias vivarium.
Happy landscaping
Jane, Keya & Molly 

Re: more pics x
Posted: 07/06/2011 by kerryl

Thankyou for all the advice, I would never think you were being picky, Believe me I will take all the help I can Click and drag me down to the editor  I have boarded the bottom up now and I am definately getting rid of most of the grass as I have been out cutting it with scissors this weekend!!Click and drag me down to the editor  Im not sure if you can see from these pics but we built a hump into the grassed area which we thought would add interest as Trevor loves climbing on his rock, obviously I didn't think it through very well as now I cant mow it.  Whoops so more floor covering needed, what would you suggest?   I have just returned from searching for wild tortoises in Menorca and although we only found a poor shell of an unlucky tortoise, there were apparently plenty around and the landscaping was very inspiring, I have brought back aloe vera and cacti seads to have a go here.  There was also this plant that was like dried grass, this is where everyone else had spotted them, but no body over there could identify it for me and now I am kicking myself that I didnt take a photo for TTT guys.Click and drag me down to the editor

There are some better pictures of a slightly more advanced enclosure on my other post.  I am sure as you and others have said this will be my lifelong project from now on Click and drag me down to the editor

Kerry and Trevor

Re: more pics x
Posted: 07/06/2011 by kerryl

sorry forgot to say, I have a net over the whole enclosure and at the moment he has a temporary hide inside his coldframe untill a more permanent house is built.  We do have a lot of large birds in the field behind us and foxes etc so I have built Trevors run as close to the house as poss, we have a very protective dog and I bring him in at night, hopefully this should be enough to keep him safe but any more ideas would be very welcome I do still worry about him.Click and drag me down to the editor

Thank you Kerry and Trevor


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