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Trevor's new house
Posted: 27/05/2011 by kerryl

Re: Trevor's new house
Posted: 27/05/2011 by kerryl

Trevor has been out this week. We just need to build his house up so that we can put a heat lamp in there and sort the net out now.

Re: Trevor's new house
Posted: 07/06/2011 by kerryl

We have just returned from menorca where we went on a wild tortoise search! Some of the residents in our appartments had seen about 6 in scrub land across the road from where we were staying and the receptionist told us that you often see them.  We were not lucky enough to see any but I could certainly see why they would love to live there - lots of cacti, mallows, grasses lovely hot rocks to bask on and little caves to shelter in.  It was very Inspirational and watch this space as I have brought back some seeds and I will  try to recreate a touch of menorca in my back garden. 

Re: Trevor's new house
Posted: 18/06/2011 by HelenandBrian

We went to Kenya last year on safari and the guide assured me we could see wild tortoises but we weren't lucky enough to see any :-( Where did you get the 'Beware of the tortoise' sign? It's great!!!

Re: Trevor's new house
Posted: 18/06/2011 by HelenandBrian

We went to Kenya last year on safari and the guide assured me we could see wild tortoises but we weren't lucky enough to see any :-( Where did you get the 'Beware of the tortoise' sign? It's great!!!

Re: Trevor's new house
Posted: 03/07/2011 by kerryl

Hi Helen the sign is from a web site called shelled warriors. Kenya is somewhere I would love to visit, I bet it was wonderful, even without the tortoise spotting.


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