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Tortoise hide
Posted: 27/05/2011 by kerryl

Hi all
Trevor now has a lovely new outdoor enclosure to explore but I am concerned as whenever he goes out, he heads straight for his cold frame and hides inside under his little wooden house?? Surely he should be enjoying the sunshine :-( Also when he is in his table he has also started to hide in his little cave!! Whats going on?? I will try to get some pictures on x

Re: Tortoise hide
Posted: 30/05/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Kerry
He is probably not too sure of his surroundings so is retreating to somewhere that he feels safe. Perhaps if you stay with him and entice him out with some weeds, he will get to see that it is not so scary, and eventually he will come out on his own. At the moment the weather is not great so it isn't encouraging him to venture out, the weather is meant to be nice towards the end of the week, so hopefully that will get him out seeking that sun on his shell. Just a thought, do you have a heat lamp outside for him at all?
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Tortoise hide
Posted: 07/06/2011 by kerryl

We will have soon, A neighbour is busy building Trevor a house as we type!  What I am planning to do is adapt his cold frame so that his house sits on one side with a ceramic bulb in it? Maybe on a thermostat so it comes on when too cold? then leave the other side as (kind of) His conservatory - somewhere to warm up in the sun??  Maybe?? this is the master plan! but untill that is ready he is still on his indoor table and occasionally out when its really warm.

Kerry x


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