You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise General Questions > Burrowing/burying

Posted: 21/05/2011 by janiels

Hi all

Nice to see the sun!

I have a question please about my Hermanns torts-Twinkle and Pringle-almost 6 yrs old.They usually enjoy the garden, wander about quite happily, quite sociable and inquisitive. We live right in the south, lovely and warm but this year they keep burying themselves, right down in the soil and under the grass, so are hardly enjoying the sun at all! I keep digging them out . bathe them, they wander about and eat a little, then back they go!Now I know that torts do like doing this - I guess I am just asking what is the best thing to do -let tham do what they want or keep digging them up? I think I should leave them to do what they do naturally but it seems a shame that they are missing all the sun and sleeping almost constantly.

So if anyone has an opinion or thinks I am doing something wrong. or if I am missing something please could you let me know.They seem happy enough but I guess I miss seeing them explore!


Janie x

Re: Burrowing/burying
Posted: 24/05/2011 by TPGDarren

Hi Janie,

I tend to leave mine to their own devices. That said we always put them away at night - so they would be dug up at the end of each day.

Have you any bushes they can shelter under at all?



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