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Molly up and about
Posted: 19/03/2011 by tortoise7

Just wanted to share that Molly is out of hibernation now. She woke up quite quickly has had a good drink and a nibble on some plantain, and has been out in the sunshine today, so a very happy household today, keya was enjoying the sun too.
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Molly up and about
Posted: 19/03/2011 by janicepalmer

Great news, I'ts always a relief to know that they have come through hibernation. Also a lovely sunny day today as if to welcome her.



Re: Molly up and about
Posted: 20/03/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Janice
Thanks, Yes I think we all hold our breath whilst they come to, and the sunny day definately kick started Molly. When I went to see her this morning (She is in a big pen indoors), she had come out of her bed and eaten all her food up, waiting for me to put the lamp on, unfortunately for her it is a bath first then the day is hersClick and drag me down to the editor
Hope today is sunny for everyone and their torts today
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Molly up and about
Posted: 20/03/2011 by urbantortoise

Hi Jane! I thought I would come and find you on here because you keep telling how friendly a forum it is! I have all up bar two. Talullah is refusing to eat which is worrying me as she did this a few years ago and ended up being tube fed. Persephone is not eating yet either which has never done before! Hmph I am trying not to worry.

Re: Molly up and about
Posted: 20/03/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Jane
Now you know what I do with my spare time Click and drag me down to the editor
This will be their first day won't it? as long as they are drinking at the moment.I always put reproboost in the bath for the first couple of baths, that seems to kick start them off, plus to begin with I do temp Molly with some naughty food Cucumber or a bit of melon, just to get the taste buds going then when she has taken a bite I keep giving her weeds, as you know Molly can be pretty stubborn.
Hang on in there and don't worry just yet, hope they eat soon.


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