You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise General Questions > Newbie

Posted: 26/02/2011 by brieboy

Hi just registered and i thought i would say hello! I am picking up my first tortoise today its a 2year old leopard. and had some questions here go"s

do i need to bath my tortoise? if so how often/ how warm/ radox (only joking)

can i use rabbit feed checked on pets at home and it just seems to be various dried grass

do i keep uv & heat lamp on 24/7

any tips advice would be trully helpfull , I dont think i have ever been this excited/ nervous over a pet! but i suppose its gonna outlive me so i wanna try and do things right. thanksClick and drag me down to the editorI will post a pick once he is settled in!

Re: Newbie
Posted: 26/02/2011 by tortoise7

Hi and Welcome, nice to have you aboard
I bet your excited I know I was when I was getting my little Keya & Molly.
I am not familiar with leopards but I know a few are here on the forum, who will probably reply later today. In the mean time have a read of the care sheet, that will help until you can get talking to a leo expert.
looking forward to you posts

Re: Newbie
Posted: 26/02/2011 by brieboy

Thanks!! not sure whether to call it he or she yet apparently its difficult to tell this young? but settling in he is a bit sheepish at the moment but i suppose it will take him a while to settle in the care sheets on here are fantastic really helpfull i will post some pics of henry on here later!



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