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Tortoise Plants free Downloadable booklet
Posted: 28/01/2011 by VivTPG


The Tortoise Table site have produced an excellent free downloadable booklet to print that containins descriptions of twenty plants that you can find growing wild in the countryside or in your garden, that are all safe for tortoises to eat. The descriptions are accompanied by photos and instructions for collecting and sowing seeds (or other means of propagation), and there is a section for you to make notes.   The booklet has been designed to be printed on A5 size paper so that you can easily carry it with you when you’re out and about.  Instructions for printing and downloading are on the website, here is th link to the booklet

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Tortoise Plants free Downloadable booklet
Posted: 29/01/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Vivienne
Thanks for that, I have printed mine off, it is really good, will be so useful. The tortoise table have done such a brilliant job, and we are lucky that they share all their knowledge with us, to keep our torts safe and happy & healthy

Re: Tortoise Plants free Downloadable booklet
Posted: 29/01/2011 by TPGDarren

Absolutely stunning booklet Viv - really nicely laid out & informative.

Re: Tortoise Plants free Downloadable booklet
Posted: 01/02/2011 by TPGDave

Thats excellent Viv. Works on my I phone too, saves paper :)

Re: Tortoise Plants free Downloadable booklet
Posted: 03/02/2011 by VivTPG

Oh wow Dave, will have to check my ipod, didnt think of accessing it from there, will have to tell the girls at TTT they will be impressed the site has gone technological!! lol


Re: Tortoise Plants free Downloadable booklet
Posted: 21/07/2011 by shari

Hi there, I live in spain, not familiar with the plantlife here, has anyone  any ideas... sharon


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