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Tortoise eating cat food!!!!!
Posted: 20/12/2010 by Danzac7


There is a Horsefield tortoise eating cat food on this website, I am worried the owner maybe getting ill advised, I'm worried it isn't getting the nutrients it needs, Poor Tortoise!!! :(

Re: Tortoise eating cat food!!!!!
Posted: 20/12/2010 by VivTPG

Idiots arent they, the damage is already showing itself on the tort, the carapace is pyramiding and thickening, the torts body is beginning to look too big for the shell, wonder what the damage inside is, poor tort.  Bet they wont listen to advice tho Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Tortoise eating cat food!!!!!
Posted: 22/12/2010 by tortoise7

I bet these people think this is normal behaviour!! what website was it? maybe a posting to them might point out that is dangerous to the tortoise. Very sad isn't it?
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Tortoise eating cat food!!!!!
Posted: 22/12/2010 by Danzac7

It is on this website in the members gallery section, there are 3 pictures of it eating cat food. Please do take a look.



Re: Tortoise eating cat food!!!!!
Posted: 22/12/2010 by Danzac7

Re: Tortoise eating cat food!!!!!
Posted: 22/12/2010 by tpgAli

Will get Darren to take look when he is back from holiday and possibly get it removed

Ali (TPG)

Re: Tortoise eating cat food!!!!!
Posted: 22/12/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Cathy & Ali
Doesn't belong in this gallery does it? Did not realise it was TPG website. Someone is very naughty  doing that.Click and drag me down to the editor
Anyway hopefully won't be on there for long
Jane, Keya & Molly


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