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Need advice quick
Posted: 11/12/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Guys

Thought Keya's hibernation was going too smoothly, everything went perfect except for last night I took her out to weigh her and she had gone a poo, no problem with that better out than in, but she had wee's a little bit too. Hard to judge just how much. Her weight is good and she only lost what she expelled, do I take her out after 1 week which is all she has had in the fridge or do I keep her in and check her everyday?

Hope someone there before I make the decision to take her out
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Need advice quick
Posted: 11/12/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Jane,

Hmmmm. I've been speaking with some people in Europe about this recently and as long as the tortoises weight is still safe, they dont remove the tortoise from hibernation if it passes urates. So far no issues reported.

What you do have to consider though is that the bladder is the repository for all waste products during hibernation. If the bladder is not full the waste becomes less dilute and over a certain amount the body attempts to deposit waste elsewhere in the body tissue, not good.

One week in is a tough call, the body might just be expelling the last remnants of stomach content and urates. Remember the tortoise is still aware in a hibernation state, its not done this " in its sleep".

Personally, I'd continue and monitor regularly. If your using the fridge, make sure humidity is good (at least 60%) and perhaps add some soil to the box, if you are already using soil not necessary or course.

Hopes this helps a little.

Re: Need advice quick
Posted: 11/12/2010 by tortoise7

Thanks Dave for your quick response
I couldnt see any urates only coloured water on the paper and of course the poo. I think I will go another week with keeping a close eye on her. If she starts to get dehydrated will the signs be weight loss? and what signs do I look for any distress? she is quite deep into hibernation already so if all goes well I will just do 4 wks, didn't expect this as it was all going so well, and she had poo's lots within that 3 wk winddown. I know it has to be my decision but feels good getting another opinion

Re: Need advice quick
Posted: 11/12/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Jane,

Yes, weight loss would be the main indicator of dehydration. If the area around the eyes looks sunken this is another sure sign. I think it'll be ok. I always weigh my tortoises straight out of hibernation and again after their first drink. Most of any lost " weight" is regained through drinking so they are losing a little fluid in hibernation.

Re: Need advice quick
Posted: 11/12/2010 by tortoise7

Thanks Dave will keep you posted


Re: Need advice quick
Posted: 12/12/2010 by DavidWYork

All those of us using soil method for hibernation cannot be sure whether our torts urinate or not. I'm sure many do. Equally those using shredded paper would find it difficult to check, as urine would soon those using boxes in fridges ( I have even seen pics of torts just sitting on fridge shelves )could provide useful data here as to whether torts excrete regularly in hibernation mode. Anyone out there, keep a record, and after hibernation over, let's pool the data. To wee or not to wee? that's a question we need answering!!!    David in York

Re: Need advice quick
Posted: 19/12/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Dave
That is indeed  a question that would be good to have some answers on. I had to take Keya out as she done a  poo and a little wee again. She does tend to hang on to these thing, and seems relucantant to let them go Click and drag me down to the editor I was concerned after this second time that she could run into some problems, my main concern was the toxic possiblity. Anyway I think next year I need to temp the temps up high on the first week or two and if she doesn't go then extend the winddown. Are all yours safely tucked in?


Re: Need advice quick
Posted: 20/12/2010 by DavidWYork

Yes but much later than normal. Here we had a long warm autumn...and now the big freeze. I do hope everyone is keeping an eye on temperatures!

I fear there may disasters for torts this winter. I remember around 1980 was a very bad winter, with many tortoises suffering eye damage and even blindness. Don't rely on one thermometer, or tv weather guides. Temperatures vary so much. Where I hibernate mine, even raising them from floor to table height can alter temperature by a degree or so. EVERYONE OUT THERE...CHECK REGULARLY!!!!!! Fingers crossed for an early, sustained, really warm springtime...and those scratching sounds we long for.        David in York4


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