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Help - poo during hibernation
Posted: 08/12/2010 by lydiakhurshid

We have two 3.5 year old hermann torts (Tom & Jerry) who I hibernated successfully last year for 8 weeks.  This year, I followed the same wind down process, but Tom did a poo during his last bath so I kept him up for another two days.  After the second week in the fridge, when I got them out to weigh them, I noticed that Tom had done quite a large poo and a smaller one.  I don't think that he has urinated.  Not surprisingly,  his weight has dropped from 146g to 134g as a result.  Does it mean his stomach is now empty, or is there a risk that he may still have some food inside him?  Do I need to wake him up? 

Re: Help - poo during hibernation
Posted: 09/12/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Lydia

How long did you stop feeding them for? if it was 3 wks then don't worry as it is not undigested food which would cause a problem. As long as they don't wee you will be Ok, I wouldn't wake them up just keep a close eye on them

Jane, Keya & Molly




Re: Help - poo during hibernation
Posted: 09/12/2010 by TPGDave

Hello there,


I agree with Jane, as long as the tortoise hasn't urinated it will be fine. The danger in hibernation is undigested food, poo has been digested (obviously :) ).

Re: Help - poo during hibernation
Posted: 10/12/2010 by lydiakhurshid

Thanks very much.  Yes, it was three weeks (as I followed the TPG wind down advice) and then an extra 2 days because he did a poo in his last bath.  I will just keep a close eye on him as you say.  Presumably as the weight lost is explained by the poo, I should not worry about that as long as he does not loose any more?

Re: Help - poo during hibernation
Posted: 11/12/2010 by TPGDave


143 down to 134 is just over a 6% weight loss so keep going. 129 grams would be a 10% loss and thats when to wake the tortoise early. Sounds like its going ok though.

Re: Help - poo during hibernation
Posted: 30/10/2011 by sharong

+Hi Jane, Keya and Molly

What should you do if a tortoise has done a wee?  I have just discovered my 70+year old marginate tortoise has pooed AND wee-d.  I have read that dehydration is a problem.  As he was awake yesterday when I checked his box, shall I give him a bath so he can rehydrate and then put him away?  Very worried as we are off on holiday on Tuesday for 8 nights....  Any advice will be gratefully received!



Re: Help - poo during hibernation
Posted: 30/10/2011 by sharong

+Hi Jane, Keya and Molly

What should you do if a tortoise has done a wee?  I have just discovered my 70+year old marginate tortoise has pooed AND wee-d.  I have read that dehydration is a problem.  As he was awake yesterday when I checked his box, shall I give him a bath so he can rehydrate and then put him away?  Very worried as we are off on holiday on Tuesday for 8 nights....  Any advice will be gratefully received!




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