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just wanted a bit of help
Posted: 08/12/2010 by sherri

hello my male tortoise has been in  hibernation  for just  over 9 weeks but  a little bit worried this year as he has lost a lot more weight then he did last   year   he lost 40g  he went in at 618 and now is 577 what you think 

Re: just wanted a bit of help
Posted: 09/12/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Sherri,


I make that a 7% weight loss over the nine weeks. Keep an eye on it and weigh weekly if possible. If it gets to 10%, (if his weight gets down to 556 grams) I'd wake him up. 9 Weeks is ok for a hibernation, might be a good precaution not to go over 12 weeks this year.

Re: just wanted a bit of help
Posted: 12/12/2010 by sherri

thank you for your help    i think i  give him a weight today   and see how he doing


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