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ready to go into fridge but limbs are still stretched out
Posted: 02/12/2010 by SallyN

Hi there,
I have all my horsefield torts nicely snuggled up in my fridge. My sister has bought her hermann tort over to me ready to go into my fridge, however although very sleepy I have noticed that his limbs and head are all stretched out. I have not seen this with my own torts so was wondering if this is normal or is there a health issue or something else going on. I am assured that he is in good health, so does anyone know if it is safe to go ahead and put him in the fridge?

Re: ready to go into fridge but limbs are still stretched out
Posted: 07/12/2010 by dewly

I have my two spurthighs in the fridge at the moment. Alfie is all tucked in nicely but Daisy is stretched right out. She always seemed to sleep like this any way and she seems absolutely fine. I have literally just checked her and her reflex's are good so I wouldn't worry. Must be like us humans, we all sleep in different positions!!

Re: ready to go into fridge but limbs are still stretched out
Posted: 07/12/2010 by dewly

If any one knows any different could they let me know to please.
Thank you

Re: ready to go into fridge but limbs are still stretched out
Posted: 09/12/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Guys,


I think it'll be fine. The tortoises body temperature will drop to match the surroundings so they don't need to be tucked up against the cold like we do. :)

Re: ready to go into fridge but limbs are still stretched out
Posted: 10/12/2010 by SallyN

Thanks for the replies, I feel much happier with him now.


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