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have done it !
Posted: 29/11/2010 by louisej

Hi i have put my horsfield into hibernation,hope i have done it correctly.I have got a shoe box,put a smaller box inside.Have filled smaller box with shredded paper then filled round the gaps with Click and drag me down to the editorpaper.He can just turn round in the smaller box was a bit worried that it wasnt deep enough.I have then put him in fridge at about 4deg c.Hope this is ok ,can you put my mind at rest please as this is my first time.Many thanks.Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: have done it !
Posted: 29/11/2010 by Tarkie

Hi Louise, I have just read your posts.
I have hibernated my 5 yr old horsfield this year for the first time and am praying it's all ok. He's in the fridge, in a box inside a box, on a sand/soil mix which is about 2 inches deep. He's dug about a bit, so the inner box is getting destroyed. He's been in for 10 days and it feels like forever, but I'm more confident already. He hasn't really buried himself though. I'm surprised about how much he's been digging at the cardboard and it worries me he's not really asleep. He's at about 5.5 degrees though.

I've been checking the temperature every morning and night. In the first few days I gave him a prod every day, but am trying to to disturb him so much now so I'll check him every 3 days. I took the fridge shelf above him out so that I could open the box easily when I want to.

I hope this helps, but I'm no expert, just about a week ahead of where you are now. Can't wait until it's all over and he's out!

Good luck,


Re: have done it !
Posted: 29/11/2010 by Tarkie

...meant to say I'm trying NOT to disturb him so much...!

Re: have done it !
Posted: 29/11/2010 by louisej

Hi sarah only been in fridge for a few hours already checked him once,will try not to worry too much hope yours goes ok .thanks louise Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: have done it !
Posted: 30/11/2010 by tortoise7

Hibernation time is a bit scary isn't it, even when you have done it before. This is the first time that I am hibernating my baby, I have been dreading it, but she has been helping me out and doing it herself. The big one just goes with it. I do the fridge hibernation, I tend not to disturb them too much at first so they have time settle down, but I do slip my hand in the box and gently pinch their back leg to check it moves everyday which doesn't disturb them too much. Mine are hermans and don't try to climb out, from what I have read Horsfield are little tinkers to settle down!!
I am sure that we can keep each other sane over this tense time and start to relax abit later into the hibernation time, ever the optomist, but if need be we can calm each other down

Re: have done it !
Posted: 30/11/2010 by tortoise7

Sorry post went before I could sign off

Jane, Keya & Molly


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