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Adult Female Hermanns available for rehoming
Posted: 06/09/2008 by TPGDarren



The TPG have been approached to find a home for an adult female Hermanns. The current keeper has had the tortoise for around 40 years but is now looking to find Fred (Frieda) a good home in the Chingford/London area. Apart from an attack by a wild animal earlier this year (from which she is now fully recovered) she has no history of illness, is in good health and has been well cared for. If you feel you can offer a loving home then please complete an application form which you can download from the re-homing page of the web site which you will find in the green column to the left of this editing page.


If you have previously sent in an application form, let us know when you contact us, and tell us of any changes that might have taken place since you submitted the form.


Please do not post your request to re-home on this forum. All applications regarding these tortoises should be headed “London Hermanns” and either sent by email to: or alternatively you can send by post to The TPG,

PO Box 1484,


OX3 3BQ.


Please note: There is no fee charged for re-homing but we hope that if you are successful in your application, you will consider a donation to help towards the TPG's work. Please be assured that any donation no matter how small will be spent working towards making a lasting difference to tortoises. Not all tortoises that we have rehomed in the past have required veterinary treatment, however occasionally this has occurred; therefore as a non profitable group we rely on your generosity to help our cause.


(Photos to follow)


Tortoise Protection Group.

Re: Adult Female Hermanns available for rehoming
Posted: 11/09/2008 by beckyzazou

Hi, have you had any interset in this lovely tort yet?



Re: Adult Female Hermanns available for rehoming
Posted: 11/09/2008 by TPGDarren

Hi Rebecca,

The current keeper is viewing a potential new home, literally minutes away so she can visit her from time to time. We don't know of the outcome as yet:-)


Re: Adult Female Hermanns available for rehoming
Posted: 15/09/2008 by TPGDarren

Thank you to all who applied to re-home Fred, the female Hermanns.
We can confirm that she have now been re-homed with her new keeper over the weekend, close to her previous keeper - which will enable regular contact.
Please do keep an eye on the rehoming announcements and don't let it
put you off if you were unsuccesful this time, as we have been
receiving enquiries from an increasing number of people looking to
rehome their tortoises.

Thanks Again.

Kindest Regards


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