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substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 22/11/2010 by karen payne

hi all,

reading all your tips and advice on hibernation, should i use substrate or shredded paper in a cardboard box?


Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 23/11/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Karen,

This can depend on the species of tortoise you keep and the method of hibernation you are using? If you are hibernation in a shed or outhouse then shredded paper is fine, if you are fridge hibernating then some people prefer to use sand/soil for the tortoise to bury down in (particularly horsfields).


Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 23/11/2010 by karen payne

hi ali,

he is a herman's tortoise and he seems to like burying into his soil, i checked him tonight and he is still quite alert, at times and strong, i will leave him in a cool room tomorrow and see if this slows him down a bit, i think he is a bit stubborn i gave him a bath tonight  again in just lukewarm water and it was like he was saying, oh no not again, no drinking went on that i could see, it is frustrating at times, esp as i plan to put him in the fridge  this Sunday, if i left him a couple more days would this starve him, would he be ok?

thanks again, novice karen

Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 23/11/2010 by tpgAli

Yes Karen a few more days will be fine and wont starve him.


Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 24/11/2010 by karen payne

hi Ali, can you just clarify, is substrate or shredded paper best to use for basil my hermann to hibernate in. He is in a cool room today and hasnt moved so signs are looking good and the room will get cooler tomorrow so will gradually bring him down to fridge temp. thanks ali, so glad to have found this forum to share my worries



Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 24/11/2010 by karen payne

hi, me again the substrate i have is the pro rep tortoise life one,  thanks karen

Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 24/11/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Karen,

My Iberas are in the fridge boxed up in shredded paper, i find this easier for them ecpecially when it comes to checking for wet patches ( in case they urinate)


Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 25/11/2010 by karen payne

hi ali,

i have been reading about humidity in hibernation and i quote from it

'some water in the grocery comparment ensures high humidity' and

keep a close eye on humidity 65%, i havent read anywhere else about this, it says i should have a hygrometer, im confused, what do i do? basil cooling down now, final bath today hope he drinks.regards karen

Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 25/11/2010 by karen payne

hi ali,

problems with fridge temp fluctuating too much, was stable so something wrong with motor, will have to abandon hibernation this year as no time to buy and regulate new fridge in time.shall i just bring basil up to room temperature first, then slowly re-introduce basking lamp/light then  a little food after say 2 days? disappointing but cant take any risks, he is only 3 so hopefully next year. i will overwinter him, thanks for all your advice to date, will be sending a donation for the good work you all do.

regards karen

Re: substrate or shredded paper
Posted: 02/12/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Karen,

Sorry to hear you have had to abandon hibernation. Yes wake him as you suggested but he might want food sooner than 2 days



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