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I think she's buried herself - Will she survive
Posted: 22/11/2010 by Robwebb

My tortoise is about 52 yeras old. She went missing in the garden and I fear she has buried herself. She has done this before a few years ago, but I searched the garden and found her about 8" below soil level and dug her out and put her safely away for winter.

This time I cannot find her anywhere. The garden is secure so I can rule out her escaping. My question is this....if she has buried herself will she be able to survive? The borders are quite well protected with shrubs and is not completely open to the elements.

Any information will be appreciated.

Thanks. Rob Webb

Re: I think she's buried herself - Will she survive
Posted: 23/11/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Rob,

It isnt an ideal situation especially the age she is but unless you are prepared to dig your garden inch by inch you can only sit tight and wait. The fact that she is dug down will help and you have alot of cover but i suggest you keep looking for her. It would be a good idea in future to get her indoors before she digs down for the winter.



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