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Posted: 30/10/2010 by SuperMo

Are we the only nutty owners who take their tort out for a walk? We live in a quiet cul-de-sac and collectively have spent ours trailing after him on his walks.

Re: tort-walking
Posted: 30/10/2010 by tpgAli


Yes i think you might be! This really is not a good thing for him as he could pick anything up on his travels, dog faeces and god knows what else. You are giving him a taste of freedom then taking it away from him. He needs to be kept in a safe permanent environment or he will quickly become stressed and  could end up with health problems due to the stress.

Sorry to sound harsh but you really need to stop letting him roam about like this.


Re: tort-walking
Posted: 03/11/2010 by Mozla


I have a slightly different view on this. Whilst I agree that walking a tortoise on the cul-de-sac isn't probably a good idea due to the hazards mentioned, I think that being allowed out in a garden for example is a very good idea as long as it is supervised.

Our tortoise positively enjoys being out on the lawn and the sun is very good for it. Watch out for what it eats though as they seem to have a bite at most things. Our tortoise likes being handled and being out is part of the routine. On dull days it will roam the conservatory quite happily. I'd say all this enriches its life, and doesn't stress it at all!


Re: tort-walking
Posted: 03/11/2010 by DavidWYork

I also reckon it is of benefit to give this experience, as long as supervised. Are wild torts stressed by having freedom? I reckon that its a good idea, having kept torts over 40 years, I regularly give mine freedom in the wilder parts of my garden. Being able to roam and graze at will, must be preferable to being permanently penned or "tabled".Mine stop and bask, have a sniff, push through thick clumps of perennials...surely wild torts do this!  Supervision and common sense are better than "'elf n safety!" gone mad. David in York

Re: tort-walking
Posted: 03/11/2010 by tpgAli


You have taken what ive written completely the wrong way! I didnt mean they shouldnt be allowed out in their own garden, mine also have this freedom, what i meant was it isnt a good idea to let them roam in a strange place where you can find god knows what like dog faeces, broken glass etc.



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