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Posted: 17/10/2010 by janiels

Hi all

Hibernation time is here-don't you just hate it....

My question is-my Hermanns-Pringlr and Twinkle-have been digging down in garedn on and off for weeks now so clearly want to sleep-so have started to wind them down.

Last year, I successfully used box method and think I will stick to it again. However, wouls like to use some soil as they seem to like it (used hay last year). Please could someone tell me where to get some suitable soil as I know I have to watch for additives etc.

Good luck to everyone...its a tricky and worrying time

Janie Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Hibernation
Posted: 17/10/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Janie,

Soil straight out of the garden would be fine or top soil from the garden centre. I use soil as a hibernation substrate, I think its really good and helps prevent dehydration.

Re: Hibernation
Posted: 18/10/2010 by winnie

Last year I used some of the soil/sand out of my torts table to put in his hibernation box. Is this ok?

The rest of it got chucked, the table was left to air for a few weeks then refilled with nice fresh soil/sand and the contents (plants, rocks etc) rearranged. There was no complaints from Stevie when he woke up so I think it was a job well done  Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Hibernation
Posted: 21/10/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Winnie,

A sand/soil mix is the best substrate to use. It helps maintain hydration and a constant temperature. So long as the sand/soil hasn't been soiled:-) - it will be fine.

How's the newbie doing?

Re: Hibernation
Posted: 30/10/2010 by muffin

Hi Janie

I was advised by vet to buy some loam soil (sterilised) from a garden centre and mix with play sand (also sterilised) about 50 - 50 mix is ok.



Re: Hibernation
Posted: 30/10/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Jo,

Yes this substrate is fine, you just need to make sure its dry and plenty deep enough for them to dig right down.

Ali (TPG)


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