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upside down shelby
Posted: 16/10/2010 by ellen 1963

hiya everyone i need a little help my shelby keep's on climbing up the side of her home and turning over on her back i found her laying upside down kicking her leg's i went out shopping and when i got back she had turned her self over again is there any way i can help her i worry that when i,m at work she turn herself over what to do can anyone helpClick and drag me down to the editorthank you fron ellen

Re: upside down shelby
Posted: 17/10/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Ellen,

I try to have a fairly firm substrate and lots of pebbles scattered around so that tortoises can lever themselves back over. They need something to push against to right themselves. Also dont make the ground too flat, have some hills and dips.

Hope this helps


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