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where to put outside enclosure
Posted: 12/09/2010 by Tortyluv

we got a outside enclosure when we got our tortoise and have just been puting it on the grass today ive read we shouldnt.
So what do we put it on?

Re: where to put outside enclosure
Posted: 12/09/2010 by tortoise7

Hi again
Have a look on the Members forum at the outdoor enclosures, it will give you some idea on how to create a natural habitat for your tort. You will find that you will keep changing and adapting the pens indoor & outdoors each time you learn a bit more. I think we have changed our set up at least 3 times, seems to be a Bank Holiday occupation Click and drag me down to the editor
Jane, Keya & Molly






Re: where to put outside enclosure
Posted: 12/09/2010 by VivTPG

Hi, Click and drag me down to the editorto the site, what species of tort have you got?

It perfectly ok to put an enclosure on grass, most torts love to nibble on grass, and in the wild grass covers most of the planet!  If you want to make it interesting, you could remove some of the grass and have half grass half soil/plants.  Another area I have some of my enclosures is along the borders and overlap onto the lawn, I hope this helps, regards Vivienne

Re: where to put outside enclosure
Posted: 20/09/2010 by Halosmum

Yes you CAN put on grass!  Just make a couple of rocky areas with beach stones or similar and drinking bathing pools and areas to climb and hide for shade (ie hollowed out logs bought at pet stores) etc - its just common sense!


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