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Posted: 22/08/2010 by winnie

I had an old bunk bed that was destined for the skip but I've found another use for it. What do you think?


Re: Recycling
Posted: 22/08/2010 by DavidWYork

Hello Winnie, yes I hope the idea catches on...a much better option than some of the tables I have looked at. People must realise how their "tortlets" will grow and need s p a c e ! Click and drag me down to the editor As I have written on another posting, I  worry about the plight of some captive torts. I well remember how the craze for Red-Eared terrapins swept the nation about 20 years ago. Once the cuties grew, many were unwanted and dumped as owners could not accommodate them any longer. Hopefully this not happen with torts...mind you I could take on a few!  David in York


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