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Plants for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 21/08/2010 by aliceham

Hi guys,

We have a 2 year old herman tortoise called Percy and at the moment are thinking of upgrading his enclosure. Im no genius with plants so i was wondering what kind of plants would be completely safe and edible for percy to eat and also, where would you buy them from?


Re: Plants for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 21/08/2010 by kerryl

We have a hebe and sage in our enclosure we did have one with little purple flowers but our horsfield ate that (campanula I think) Try the tortoise table web site they have a whole list of edible and toxic plants on there.Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Plants for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 21/08/2010 by aliceham



Re: Plants for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 21/08/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Alice

As Kerry has said Hebes are really good, they provide a bit of cover for the tortoises and their ok if they nibble them. I also have lavendar, rosemary and cistus in my enclosures. All for cover, the tortoises dont eat them and they cope very well with the dry conditions.

Re: Plants for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 21/08/2010 by winnie

A few more to throw in the pot. Aswell as Hebes and Lavendars I've also got Heathers and Hostas but there's loads you can choose from. Happy shopping!


Re: Plants for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 22/08/2010 by nutsmum

I also have a carex plant, they are great for shade & my little ones love to dig into the roots to sleep.


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