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Change of plan!
Posted: 03/07/2010 by unhindered

My boyfriend and his dad are going to make the enclosure now! But I have a few questions, like for the base is just having mesh on the bottom enough if I'm covering it with soil or will it be dangerous? I think we will make it pretty much along the lines of the picture I showed originally but I'm just thinking of alterations now! Any hints and tips welcome!

Re: Change of plan!
Posted: 03/07/2010 by TPGDave

Hi there

The mesh is usually laid in a trench and then covered over with soil back to surface level if you are building the emclosure directly onto the ground. If its a small enclosure, I usually use a wooden base rather than wire mesh.

Re: Change of plan!
Posted: 13/12/2010 by unhindered

its about 6 foot so maybe i should use the mesh?


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