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Holiday care
Posted: 25/06/2010 by HelenandBrian

I know I am in danger of being shot down in flames here but I have a dilemma that I would like some advice about.  We are going on holiday for the first two weeks of August and I have no one to look after my Horsfield, Brian. I phoned my vets to see if they knew anyone who could help and they suggested I asked a certain reputable reptile shop in Blackpool. I called and they offered to look after Brian for me. However he would spend the two weeks in a vivarium. Brian spends his days outdoors in a specially made enclosure and is brought in at night, he is fed on weeds and generally cared for in total accordance with TPG guidelines.

Would two weeks in a vivarium cause him irreparable damage? Would he get very stressed? I am in a quandary as I do not know anyone who I could ask to look after him at home. I think I know what replies I'll get but I just don't know what else to do  Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Holiday care
Posted: 25/06/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Helen

Firstly are you going somewhere in England? I ask this because when I only had Keya (Baby) I took her pen and lamp with us and smuggled her into our room, it was self catering!! the other option, could a friend look after him and you take the pen over to them, then at least he will not be in a viv. Another option, although it will cost, can you ask a friend to house/tortoise sit for the fortnight?
Hope some of the suggestions give you some ideas
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Holiday care
Posted: 27/06/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Helen

I would be worried about stressing Brian out, they don't like change. I'd also be concerned not just with the vivarium but as to whether the viv has other tortoises or has held other tortoises. The risk of disease is a big one. Also would they shop be prepared to adhere to your tortoises diet? Assuming that the diet is weed based are they prepared to pick weeds and do they know which ones? I have to say that if Brian is a young tortoise it takes very little in a very short space of time to affect their well being.

It's a very difficult situation for you I'm trying to think of anyone I know in your part of the world who may be able to help out.

Would they not be prepared to take him in his existing table?

Re: Holiday care
Posted: 04/07/2010 by Bushby

Can I ask where about in the country you are? I am at home all the time and may be able to look after him for you?

Re: Holiday care
Posted: 14/07/2010 by HelenandBrian

I live near Preston in Lancashire, thanks, Helen

Re: Holiday care
Posted: 13/08/2010 by Bushby

Sorry I didnt get back to you. Im in Warwickshire so would have been too far. If anyone else has a prob with holiday arrangements and lives near I would do my best to tortoise sit. xx


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