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Posted: 25/06/2010 by angie welsh

Hi i have a three year old Horsfield Tortoise named Urwin, i was told he was six months old when i purchased him from a pet shop and thought the advice i was given ( in my ignorance ) was the right advice. I am very new to the web and after finding the T.G.P and reading the story from Lesley (southampton) with S&G i am in shock!!! i am worried i may have caused the little fellow irreversible harm? Urwin weighed 13/4 oz, width 9.4cm length 9.3cm, he is now wight 9.7oz width 5cm length 5cm. I have rushed out this morning to obtain the right equipment, as suggested by T.G.P but!! have been told to microwave the topsoil before i add it to the sand!! is this true? as i would like to put him in his new home as soon as possible.....PLEASE HELP!!!

Re: HELP!!!
Posted: 25/06/2010 by HelenandBrian

Please calm down and don't worry about what has already happened, you will look after him really well now and I am sure he will thrive with your love and care. You do not have to microwave the topsoil before using it. Just add it to the sand and put Urwin in.  He will be fine ,


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Re: HELP!!!
Posted: 26/06/2010 by angie welsh

Oh Helen thank you for answering my post! as i said i am new to the web and it has took me a while to find this again " hehe" i am not very good and keep loosing stuff on here !! oops!! I put Urwin in his new home after i bathed him and he looked at me as if to say " whats all this then " he had a good look around! i built him a ramp so he can still come up to the top of his cage, because he loved to perch himself  on the edge with his legs over the end so i could tickle him under the chin and sing to him, he will stay like this for ages! " i am a bit of a loon when it comes to my animals" lol, i am still a little concerned as he hasn't ate for nearly two weeks or come for his tickle, all he wont's to do is sleep!!! is this normal at this time? Click and drag me down to the editor  Thank you Helen!! Angie

Re: HELP!!!
Posted: 27/06/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Angie,  sounds like you are getting him sorted. 

Have you  looked at our care sheets on Horsfields, its on the left column under 'The Tortoise' then care sheets in the drop down list, then select Horsfield.

With the ramp ou have built in the cage, make sure he cant fall off it, and where the ramp comes up to the bars put wood or something round so that he cannot put his head or legs through to bars as this will stress him, and could cause him damage by getting stuck.

With regard to not eating, have you got the correct lighting/heating, he needs to warm up in the mornings to get his body activated.  Try giving him warm bathes to keep him hydrated, and perhaps put some cucumber on his weeds to also help with hydration.  The finest place for him at this time of year is outside in the sun.  Could you put the cage bars onto the grass and weight it down, put plenty of hides and water bowls in.

Let us know how you get on, regards Vivienne

Re: HELP!!!
Posted: 27/06/2010 by angie welsh

Hi Vivienne  Thank you for your advice, Urwin cant reach the top of his cage on his own i only put an extra piece of wood in while i am with him so he can come to the top and he is quite safe. As for his heating he has a combined Heat/UVB bulb, he also has a heat mat at the same end, the mat has a warmer side and a cooler side to it " should he have a heat mat in at all "? I only used to bath him 2-3 times a week, but now i bath him every day. I have a large rabbit run " would he be safe in this "? I am finding it hard to get hold of ( weed seed ) so i can grow the right food for him, as you can guess  ( in my ignorance ) he has been fed the wrong diet. i am knocking on my neighbours doors to see what i can fine for him! i have bought Nutrobal-but cant fined anywhere in my area ( Liverpool ) to get hold of Limestone flour! I wont to do the right thing for my little baby, he is such a sweet little guy. Angie


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