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outdoor pen design
Posted: 11/06/2010 by winnie

Hi Guys,

I'm glad to say I can finally see the finishing line on my permanent outdoor pen for Steve, it's only taken me months and months to do due to being in work and always landing with the crap weather on my days off. Anyway, I have a bit of a silly question to ask. I've just finished raking all the soil/sand in the enclosure and I've a nice big mound to play with. Is it best to do a big mound in the middle or am I best splitting it up into smaller ones (told you it was a silly question). I do have lots of other things to go in, I've got logs of different sizes (it's an old apple tree that fell down last year), I've got cobbles of various sizes and some large rocks. I've also got a large fish tank that I'm going to put in upside down on some bricks and of course my plants which upto now consist of hostas, heathers, lavenders and grasses. Suggestions on my mounds would be grateful and I'll take some pics once it's all done.

Many thanks, WinnieClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 11/06/2010 by DavidWYork

Hi Winnie, what a great chance, to be creating an enclosure from scratch. Years ago it was chicken wire on a lawn or a drilled shell and chain. Thankfully we have moved on! Personally, I would let Steve use the pen for a while and monitor where he tends to sun himself on good days. Also note where sun catches the pen. The aspect of your pen, ie direction related to sun will be significant. He needs as many chances to sun himself , especially where he emerges in the morning. Also an afternoon spot in the sun is desirable. Many owners fail to realise that in the wild torts actually spend time on hot days seeking shade. I prefer this not to be the just sleeping area, but one of several areas of full or dappled shade. I also change the arrangement of some large rocks to ensure changes in available routes sometimes. We do not want bored torts...we have all seen in zoos, captive animals pacing up and down the same route through boredom. In my opinion we should aim for some stability, but we should make slight changes occasionally, to keep torts alert. I also vary feeding stations to ensure searching by tort or torts.I do hope this helps. Keep us posted please. David in York

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 12/06/2010 by winnie

Hi Dave,

Cheers for the tips. Where the sun hits and when I'm glad to say I've already clocked so that's one down 40 11 to go. I've managed to get some pics of his pen half way through, I've put them in my file as I've tried to attatch pics to posts and can't seem to manage it, soz. It will look so much better when it's all furnished I'm sure.

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 12/06/2010 by winnie

OMG!!, I did it. How chuffed am I.

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 12/06/2010 by DavidWYork

That is some enclosure...Steve is one lucky tort. If open to public eyes, will it be alarmed at all? I'm lucky in that my garden is really secluded, and cannot be seen from any other house or our road. It must have cost a fair clearly are as obsessed as the rest of us! Keep us informed, and bring on that sunny weather.

All the best from David

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 12/06/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Winnie
OMG, that is fabulous, well done you. Now the fun bit begins!!!  dave has given you some good tips, and me!!
Looking forward to see the latest developments
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 12/06/2010 by winnie

Just a little update whilst I'm lounging on the sofa with a very aching back. Put in some mounds which consist of a hidey hole and a tunnel. Put in some of the plants and I'm just waiting for the man with the chainsaw to sort my logs. I did want to put in a greenhouse but it's not high enough so not to sure what to do on that one. You can't see it from the road and I don't have any neighbours so he should be ok although I am aware that there are some shadey people out there so when in bed/out I'll probably bring him in. Anyway I'd really appreciate some input on anything I could improve on.

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 12/06/2010 by winnie

Here's 2 more. Couldn't get them all on the first post, still tryin' to figure it out.

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 12/06/2010 by tortoise7


It just gets better all the time!!  I supose more areas for shelter/shade, like grasses, bushes.  ,and you could put a poly tunnel in there too!! I am getting quite excited about it.
Hope your back gets better soon, although I should think it would ache with all the workClick and drag me down to the editor


Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 15/06/2010 by jack

how meny tortoise do you have ????????

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 17/06/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Winnie, the enclosure looks absolutely fabulous, well done.  I dont think you need our advice you are an expert!!

I do agree with Jane and David points, a cold frame, polytunnel and plenty of shade??

Keep us updated, regards Vivienne

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 30/06/2010 by winnie

Hi Guys,

Thought I'd bore you all with another pic or two of steves outdoor pen. Still not quite finished (fish pond required urgent attention) but it's nearly there. I'm still waiting for my weed seeds to grow, the ones that I didn't put on are raring their heads but the ones I'm wanting are no showers at the mo. He's got plenty of shade and as you can see by one of the pics, he's already picked his favourit spec. Anyway, comments please, I'm wanting to learn...

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 04/07/2010 by TPGDarren


It looks brilliant Winnie. Are you going to add plants for natural shade?


Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 04/07/2010 by winnie

Hi Darren,

I have put plants in but I think it'll look better next year when they're a bit more established. At the moment there is Lavenda, Hebe, Heather and Hosta in there and I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm impatiently waiting for the weeds to grow, there are some growing but they ain't the seeds I planted. Should look better when it's eventually finished, debating whether to put on a roof?

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 05/07/2010 by TPGDarren

Is there any specific reason you were thinking of putting a roof on Winnie?

We keep waiting for our plants to grow here, but the torts seem to get there first:-(


Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 10/07/2010 by winnie

Hi Darren,

Just thought that if I put on a roof he'd be able to stay out even if it's raining. Thing is I'd probably just be blocking out the suns rays so prob not one of my brightest of ideas.


Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 13/07/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Winnie,

It'd possibly be a good idea to have soemthing within the enclosure for your tortoise to take shelter, rather than going to the expense of covering the whole roof?

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 14/07/2010 by Row

I think that it's truely amazing!  One happy tort you have there.

I want an enclosure like this now!!!!!!

Just brilliant.

Row x

Re: outdoor pen design
Posted: 29/03/2011 by Bushby

wow. This looks AMAZING!!! can you please come round and build one for me. :)

That tortoise must think he has reached paradise. well done xx


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