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Outdoor enclosure
Posted: 31/05/2010 by unhindered

Hey guys its been a while! I want to get JD out in the garden and was wondering if something like this would be suitable?

Many Thanks,

Charlotte Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Outdoor enclosure
Posted: 01/06/2010 by VivTPG

Wow Charlotte, that looks great, if it is mesh round the outside of the run, you may need to put some wood along to stop him trying to walk through the mesh, they try and poke their heads through the mesh holes thinking their bodies will follow!! But they could get their heads stuck!!

I use a similar triangular shaped combined rabbit hutch/run for my younger horsfields.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Outdoor enclosure
Posted: 02/06/2010 by Bushby

HI there, I also had my eye on this last week to buy off of ebay. In the end I made my own, was much cheaper! I made mine out of a vegatable box from the garden centre which cost £15. then I had some off cuts to make the top, and bought some strong mesh. All in all it cost me £27. Im very happy with it, I haven't but George out in it yet, may do tomorrow when its hotter. I will post some pic off it by the end of the week hopefully on the main gallery. xx

Re: Outdoor enclosure
Posted: 02/06/2010 by DavidWYork

Have checked it out.Click and drag me down to the editor!

Mesh not accessible to tort, it is covered, and a reaonable area for small torts...all plus points. I personally would also provide  a dappled shade area, even clipped leafy branches will do. This then gives tort a choice other than, exposed or in shelter, and beware also of burrowing torts. You might provide an easily dug area in the centre of the pen...this will reduce the tendency to burrow along the perimeter and make for freedom! Good luck...your torts are lucky that you are so considerate. I would welcome an update in a few weeks time if poss.

Best wishes , David in York

Re: Outdoor enclosure
Posted: 03/06/2010 by unhindered

Thanks for the feedback guys, I have emailed the seller about having a floor to it aswell to solve the digging/borrowing problem, and he said he can add a wire mesh to the bottom, will that be ok? It will be covered with substrate and such  :)

Re: Outdoor enclosure
Posted: 03/06/2010 by unhindered

that sounds amazing but unfortunately I know I would never get round to making one so it would be a lot more beneficial to JD if I just buy one haha Click and drag me down to the editor


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