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Warm Weather
Posted: 23/05/2010 by ellie2711

Finally the warm weather is here :D my tortoises are making the most of it :

heres some pictures (hopefully)

Re: Warm Weather
Posted: 23/05/2010 by TPGDarren

Looks lovely Ellie:-)

Re: Warm Weather
Posted: 23/05/2010 by ellie2711

hi there, i was wondering if they could stay out at night ?? some people say to bring them in at night but then some people tell me to leave them out becasue they will be fine :S whats best for them

regards hannah

Re: Warm Weather
Posted: 23/05/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Hannah:-)

Personally we like to know they're all locked away safe & secure from both predators (rodents, foxes etc and the possibility of someone taking a fancy to them:-(


Re: Warm Weather
Posted: 24/05/2010 by DavidWYork

Ellie, what great torts u have...what sub species please?

Also, is that an olive shrub growing, and do torts nibble it safely?..I have recently acquired some olive bushes for the higher, drier, sunny area of my outdoor enclosure. I know that here in York they will need winter protection .

Brace yourself...colder weather is on the way! From David.

Re: Warm Weather
Posted: 25/05/2010 by ellie2711

hi david, there mediterranean spur thighed tortoises and they are about 1 year old, i think the bush in the corner is a hebe but im not sure as i have had it a while :S but my tortoises do nibble on it safely :)

from hannah x

Re: Warm Weather
Posted: 25/05/2010 by insenceaddict

Ha! spoke too soon, unsettled weather coming in for bank holiday weekend, so better put those BBQ's back away!! LOL

however, my lot have really been enjoying the weather these last few days, just chuck them a bag of extra weeds then let them graze the day away in their respective gardens! 

Jacqui Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Warm Weather
Posted: 25/05/2010 by DavidWYork

Are these young Testudo graeca ibera? Have kept ibera as adults for almost 25 years, but not seen juveniles in the flesh, and want to become familiar with them as sub adults. Some sub-species really look different as juveniles from how they look as adults. Any recognition help welcomed....and come back sunshine!!!

Re: Warm Weather
Posted: 25/05/2010 by ellie2711

come back good weather :D

these are young iberas the two larger ones are almost 2 years old and the smaller ones arnt even a year yet. So they spend most of there time indoors but i get them outside when i can :)

reagrds hannah


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