You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise General Questions > wax

Posted: 20/05/2010 by jack

hi all
i got told you can wax the shell to harden it is this true?????????

Re: wax
Posted: 20/05/2010 by TPGDarren


Definitely not. It will block the pores in the shell and atract dirt. The only thing that should be put on a tortoise's shell is water during bathing or if you need to rinse off the dirt or muck at any time.

Kindest Regards

Re: wax
Posted: 22/05/2010 by jack

i went to see some one i new who had a tortoise an he sad he maxed the shell i didnt think that was right

Re: wax
Posted: 23/05/2010 by TPGDarren

Definitely not right Jack:-)
We've had rehomers in whose shells were absolutely black from oil/wax and have absolutely ages to clean up:-(


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