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Frozen food
Posted: 18/05/2010 by kerryl

Hi my neighbour has a little Herman and she freezes weeds through the summer to feed him in the winter, is this a good idea or not?  I suppose it works well with our vegetables.

Re: Frozen food
Posted: 19/05/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Kerry,

It's not something we've ever done here. I would imagine they go pretty mushy and would lose quite a bit of their goodness?

Re: Frozen food
Posted: 19/05/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Kerry, I tried it once but it was a disaster, as Dave said they turned to mush!!

I have heard people say they dry them, but apparently this can make them harmful?

Regards Vivienne

Re: Frozen food
Posted: 22/05/2010 by kerryl

Hi I thought that too! as if you defrost brocolli, that goes all mushy, I have spoken to my neighbour this morning and she says it works ok with thistles!  I have brought weed seed from Tortoise table I think that is probably a better plan for winter. ThanksClick and drag me down to the editorKerry


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