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Meet my ibera Torts
Posted: 17/05/2010 by coffer

Hi, Just joined the site, we have a pair of Testudo ibera here in sunny Cyprus. As you can see just months after we bought them we have our first nest containing five eggs.The female (Tess) is 2.25kg and the male (Curly) is 1.4kg.The eggs will be left to hatch naturally, temps here are now 32c although she nested in the partial shade I'm hopeful all will be well. Will keep you informed!

Re: Meet my ibera Torts
Posted: 17/05/2010 by coffer

Apologies, I'm on a wireless connection and managed to post 3 times before getting a confirmation message :(
Also having problems uploading my images, will keep trying though!!

Re: Meet my ibera Torts
Posted: 17/05/2010 by VivTPG

Hi and Click and drag me down to the editorto our site.  Congratulations on the eggs, you and the torts are so lucky having that lovely weather, all our torts are envious!

Cant wait to see your pictures, and the babies when they hatch

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Meet my ibera Torts
Posted: 17/05/2010 by coffer

Thank you! No skill involved on my part regarding the eggs, just sunshine and the run of the garden! They are enjoying eating the Hibiscus flowers/leaves and petunias at the moment, the front garden looks a bit trashed! I'm hoping that she knows what she is doing regarding the nest site, everything I've read says full sun! Although here next month the temps are 36c on average so perhaps part shade is a good decision.

Re: Meet my ibera Torts
Posted: 27/05/2010 by coffer

Quick update, the female laid another clutch of 5 eggs this evening just before sunset. She dug a couple of test nests earlier today and then went back to one and completed it. This time the nest is in a flower bed getting about 50% full sun which next month will be 36c+. It will be interesting to see the gap between the two nests hatching due to the increase in temps for this new one. I hope she is finished for this year although she is a big Tort, you never know!

Re: Meet my ibera Torts
Posted: 27/05/2010 by VivTPG

Wow, cant wait to hear the results and see the pics!!

regards Vivienne

Re: Meet my ibera Torts
Posted: 15/06/2010 by coffer

Another batch of 4 eggs laid at the weekend, that's 14!

Re: Meet my ibera Torts
Posted: 17/06/2010 by VivTPG

Great news!!



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